Is Roganwatch back hahahah


Jun 17, 2015
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Look at the descriptions on this channel's videos haha hilarious

"Weepy 50 year old mma dork Joe "Fucking" Rogan almost outdoes himself in claiming useless striker Ronda Rousey now "looks like a fucking world champion kick boxer" after viewing a clip of her hitting mitts. He then further sickens viewers in gushing to ghastly Ronda over some apparent "fucking fire burning inside you that is just so much hotter than most people" - all of which sandwiches colossal goon, shit eater, & Rousey's alleged trainer Edmond's bizarre claim that Rousey would "destroy" professional boxing world boxing."

"Joe Rogan reveals his creepy delusions whilst getting emotional in recalling the moment Ronda Rousey knocked out a housewife in Brazil."
Some people really get worked up over Joe Rogan.
Odd no ones usually mean on youtube comments
Joe believed Edmund was a coaching god.
to this day I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch any clips of Rousey on JRE
He is a UFC shill who is paid to promote relevant at the time fighters.
This will always be seen as rogans lowest moment lol. He's a great commentator but he really did lose his shit buying into all the Ronda hype.
and that's why i just can't take seriously Hogan: one day Edmund is coach extraordinaire, rhonda is teh GOAT (typo intended) the next day she was badly trained, she should've stuck with grappling... and add Schaub to the show...
Rogan was crazy over the top with Ronda. He and the UFC built that girl up to be something superhuman, something mythical and she bought it hook, line, and sinker. She believed it herself. Her downfall was one of the most savage reality checks I've ever witnessed. It literally almost killed her.
I can’t watch either of those videos. It’s painful.

I hate the excessive use of the word cringeworthy around here but these videos are exactly that.