Is it OK to bring kids to gay pride events?

This too?

Public nudity is illegal, no?

My thoughts are that I don't see anything wrong with teaching my children about tolerance of other people's lifestyles. Gay pride parades, from what I am told (cause I've never been to one), are 98% tame with people dressed in regular clothes waving to onlookers but the media only shows the flamboyant and shocking.

I don't think it's appropriate for my children to be exposed to half naked people or in sexually suggestive clothing parading on the street. This is something they can learn about later on when they are of a proper age.

Some of the pics in the OP are sad I find. And I consider myself quite liberal (but I have no problem calling out some of their BS)
It’s the next step though. People who legitimize mental illnesses like trans can’t argue for one and not the other.

No. Pedophilia has serious consequences on others by victimizing children and their families. Transexuals don't victimize anyone else. In fact, Libertarians should celebrate this fact as it is up to the person to make their own choice. There is no slippery slope.
and why did this thread derail from gay pride to pedophilia? Is this a way for extreme conservatives to link both together?
In San Francisco, during Pride weekend, people are allowed to walk around naked in the streets, and I am not kidding.

Moron. It is legal to walk around parts of San Francisco anytime of the year. Me an my wife regret not going to Starbucks in the nude and getting a picture taken when she was pregnant and we went there. It is not a big fucking deal. There was one guy on a street corner who was in good shape kind of flaunting how he looked but mostly it is just old guys with fanny packs going about their day. It isn't a big fucking deal.
Americans are so strange.
They think it is the end of the world when their kids see a naked dude on the street.
So what a bunch of guys are kissing and run around naked. I certainly would prefer my children get in contact with that early while I can explain to them what is happening.

I would have a much bigger problem exposing my children to religion than to the gay community.
Why not wait til they hit puberty and explain things? Young children don't need to be exposed to adult sexuality, it's stupid and it's for adults. Kids should be out playing with each other, reading kids stuff, watching kids shows, not adult shit. Understand that children have very vivid imaginations, why stir the pot of their mind with adult sexuality? Let kids be kids.

Also, in America, the majority of Christianity taught to children are lessons on being morally just and kind hearted. Yes I know, a lot of religious folk hate gays and what not, but it's not exactly taught to children.
No. You can teach your kid to respect other people's lifestyles without bringing them downtown to see a bunch of men in thongs riding huge penis floats.
I just got to my gym and there is a group of kids and adults across the street having a big bake sale/yard sale. The sign says "Help the Poor" and has a big rainbow. They are raising money for Haiti, and I am assuming they are doing it in honor of Pride day (based on the sign).

I think that is the way I would preferred to get children involved.
No. Pedophilia has serious consequences on others by victimizing children and their families. Transexuals don't victimize anyone else. In fact, Libertarians should celebrate this fact as it is up to the person to make their own choice. There is no slippery slope.

People are now sterilizing children before they have even gone through puberty because of this transgender nonsense. The slippery slope is very real.
Moron. It is legal to walk around parts of San Francisco anytime of the year. Me an my wife regret not going to Starbucks in the nude and getting a picture taken when she was pregnant and we went there. It is not a big fucking deal. There was one guy on a street corner who was in good shape kind of flaunting how he looked but mostly it is just old guys with fanny packs going about their day. It isn't a big fucking deal.
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Seems to be the courageous thing to do these days...




It depends on the event. Some are appropriate for kids, some not. I was recently at a gay pride event at an art gallery. Brought my daughter. Mostly well-tailored suits and great champagne.

Gay pride events like all gatherings vary. For instance, I take my daughter to pro soccer and baseball games in Atlanta but would not take her to a Falcons game. I see bad fan behavior every time I do.
No, of course not. As @tonni said, I wouldn’t take them to Mardi Gras either. I wouldn’t take them to NYE in NYC at midnight, and I wouldn’t bring them out on the Las Vegas strip at night. There’s stuff that’s appropriate for children, and there’s stuff that’s simply not.

@snakedafunky I would be fine with taking my kids to a sporting event or a Thanksgiving parade. Yes, they may see something inappropriate. But just because I can’t shield kids from everything doesn’t mean that I should subject them to anything.
It depends on the event. Some are appropriate for kids, some not. I was recently at a gay pride event at an art gallery. Brought my daughter. Mostly well-tailored suits and great champagne.

Gay pride events like all gatherings vary. For instance, I take my daughter to pro soccer and baseball games in Atlanta but would not take her to a Falcons game. I see bad fan behavior every time I do.
This is sound, reasonable judgment
It is up to the individuals, right libertarians?
It is up to individuals. Unless anyone in here is advocating for a legislative ban on bringing kids to these events?
No. Same for Mardi Gras-type events too. People like to pretend pride parades are the height of moral degeneracy when "straight" events have been doing it for ages.

Mardi Gras is a bit extreme as well. I would never take kids to it.
People are now sterilizing children before they have even gone through puberty because of this transgender nonsense. The slippery slope is very real.

I haven't seen any literature on that. Mind linking me something to that effect?

I have trouble believing medical professionals would accept performing any such procedure.
and why did this thread derail from gay pride to pedophilia? Is this a way for extreme conservatives to link both together?

I have only seen by mistake one gay pride event. There were quite a few children dressed up for the event an there was quite a bit of nudity.

I think they get connected because of the surprising number of children involved in it.