Is Donald Trump a time traveler?

Agent Mulder's Hair

Jun 14, 2016
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Have you guys heard this conspiracy theory? This is a fun one and it's pretty wild!

Trump's uncle, John Trump, was a brilliant MIT professor and was tasked with going over Nikola Tesla's papers and research after Tesla died, to see if it held any military application. As crazy as it sounds, apparently this is true. This is an excerpt from an article about him in The New Yorker:

was He was at M.I.T. for decades, and the X-ray machines he helped design “provided additional years of life to cancer patients throughout the world,” as the Times put it in his obituary, in 1985. Trump was involved in radar research for the Allies in the Second World War, and in 1943 the F.B.I. had enough faith in his technical ability and his discretion to call him in when Nikola Tesla died in his room at the New Yorker Hotel, in Manhattan, raising the question of whether enemy agents might have had a chance to learn some of his secrets before the body was found. (One fear was that Tesla was working on a “death ray.”) As Margaret Cheney and Robert Uth recount in “Tesla, Master of Lightning,” Professor Trump examined Tesla’s papers and equipment, and, in a written report, told the F.B.I. not to worry: Tesla’s “thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character,” but “did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.”


OK. That's pretty wild, right? Well check this out. There were 2 children's book written in the 1800's by a man named Ingersoll Lockwood, a lawyer who dabbled in fantasy fiction.

- Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey

- Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger.

He also wrote another book called

- The Last President

For those who don't know (I didn't) Donald Trumps son's name is Baron Trump. And many say he looks a lot like the illustration of the boy on the book's covers. And in the books he has a mentor named "Don."



Anyway, the books talk about Baron exploring the Ural Mountains in RUSSIA looking for a hollow earth entrance. He learns of this entrance from a manuscript written by someone named DON.

Newsweek also wrote about the books, noting that the coincidences go beyond the lead character’s name ― which is just one letter off from the name of President Donald Trump’s youngest child, Barron.

In Baron Trump’s Marvelous Underground Journey, Baron is a wealthy young man living in a place called Castle Trump, but his real adventures begin when Don, the “Master of all Masters,” inspires him to travel to Russia, where he finds a portal that allows him to travel to other lands.

Lockwood wrote a pamphlet in 1896 called The Last President which does not feature the Baron Trump character but has some interesting parallels to modern times.

Scenes from The Last President also seem chillingly familiar:

The story begins with a scene from a panicked New York City in early November, describing a “state of uproar” after the election of an enormously opposed outsider candidate.

“The entire East Side is in a state of uproar,” police officers shouted through the streets, warning city folk to stay indoors for the night. “Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years.”

on page 5 it says, "The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob. Would the troops be in time to save it?"

Guess where Trump Tower is..

Trump has also made some startlingly correct predictions over the years. I'll have to remember where I saw those and I'll put them here later on.


- Trump's uncle was an MIT professor, worked with all kinds of cutting edge tech, and helped the allies during the war

- Trump's uncle was tasked with going through Nikola Tesla's research and writings after Tesla died, to see if it held any military application. He said it did not. The theory said he was alone with the papers for 3 days, though I have no clue if that's true.

- Theory basically alludes to Trump's uncle figuring out time travel from Tesla's papers, or passing the papers/time machine down to Donald

- Trump becomes rich and famous

- Trump made many predictions over the years about the future that were startlingly accurate
- Trump becomes president

- 2 Books are found from the 1800's that have the same name as Trump's son, whose cover art resembles Trump's son, and have a mentor named "Don," that talk about finding portals to alternate dimensions, and several other weird coincidences. They live in a place called Castle Trump. They refer to "Don," the mentor, as the master of masters.

- The last book by that author was titled The Last President. It also has many weird coincidences. Like riots in New York over the election of an outsider candidate, riots being the worst on 5th Ave (where Trump Tower is located), etc.

- It goes on and on. I'll update this with more stuff later
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He would be completely unable to go for 4 minutes without bragging about his tremendous time machine.

So no.
Yes. I thought this was common knowledge.
...or perhaps Trump just named his son after the book character?

He would have gone to the future to find out a solution to hair loss by now...

He would have gone to the future to find out a solution to hair loss by now...

This pretty much kills the theory. He'd at least have worked out how to get a decent hairdresser.
His hair is a trademark that works for him. Why change it?

It's not a "trademark" and it looks awful. If he changed it, I doubt he would lose fans and it wouldn't have any negative impact on his brand.
You hear that libtards. Donald Trump is the master of masters. Time travel says so.
He is, but those books are pure coincidence, Trump only travels to the best times, times that everybody says were decadent and powerful. He wouldn't be caught dead in some rinkydink late 19th century dump time like this.
Can we see what your hair looks like so we can know what good hair looks like?

No, but I'll describe it for you. I have a number 1 all over. Or buzz cut as some call it. Nothing good about it, nothing bad about it.
should have time traveled to a different year if true if i had a legit time machine right now I'd travel to the year 4017 just to see how different it would be or to see if it's even still there
but he colluded with Russia to time travel...the children's book even says so...more importantly, John Podesta says so.

The time portal was in Russia. Trump had to do it just to get Baron Trump and; like the Bible says, "The ends justify the means".
Then he should have known not to get involved with the USFL.
Believe it or not, he had a chance to purchase the Dallas Cowboys, but chose that USFL team instead. The Cowboys are now worth about $4 billion.
Believe it or not, he had a chance to purchase the Dallas Cowboys, but chose that USFL team instead. The Cowboys are now worth about $4 billion.

That's why he needed to get Baron Trump and his ability to time travel
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Fonzie thought people that had that haircut were nerds...and he was right.

The Fonz was an older man that used to hang around with school kids. Probably a :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile.

I'm sorry I insulted your man crush's awful hair.
He was the most popular :eek::eek::eek::eek:phile on the show...popular in a way that you will never experience. Kind of like Trump.


You're right, I'll never know that sort of popularity.