Is anybody using Kodi on their Xbox One?


What A Rush!!!
Jun 11, 2012
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It's a little clunky, but it overall works great. I have cable with every channel and Netflix, but Kodi is nice too and could just get by on that if I had to. Everything is in HD and can even watch BT sports if I want to.What add on's are you using? I have Exodus and Cerebo.
I also have just downloaded Exodus addon on Kodi following the steps from this guide (I don't want to sound like a salesman, but it's very simple and easy to follow instruction). In my opinion, Exodus is one of the most-used Kodi addons out there, allowing users to obtain easy access to movies and TV-shows. If you would like to keep your streaming habits private, you have to use VPN. Do you own research before making a decision towards a particular VPN provider. Not all of them work fine for Kodi purposes.

Since I made this thread I've been using an add on called Placenta and so far it has been the best one as far as the Xbox One goes.
I used kodi briefly with a Google chromecast but like 75% of the things I tried to watch had an unsupported codec. I also found the android app annoying to use. But when things worked it was pretty great.