International arms watchdog finds that most ISIS weaponry was purchased by the United States and SA

By all means, go for it. Would love an independent investigation, but it won’t find anything new or out of the ordinary. We’ve made arms deal with different countries and factions for many years.

How would we know unless we investigate?
American foreign policy in the middle east has always been vicious with the final verdict being in real politic that the ends justify the means. Nobody should be surprised that weapons found their way to ISIS, and that people would willingly supply "moderate" rebels while fully knowing they would wind up in ISIS' hands but by using a moderate rebel intermediary it would be good PR to morally wash one's hands of guilt for what was being done.

Obama was very conventional and typical of American middle east foreign policy which is to keep things fucked up. Really foreign policy in general where we support the idea of politics making strange bedfellows. It's what I disliked about Obama the most, especially because in international affairs, people are extremely dishonest. The whole Bush line of "you're either with us or you're with the terrorists" is completely absurd given present and history of aligning with Taleban and deaths squads.

Finally, Obama got the Peace Prize because of the colossal fuck up of the previous admin that sunk world opinion of USA into the trash. Obama himself mocks the fact that he got the award. To a percentage of the population, the fact that a black man was doing what virtually all if not all the Presidents before him has done, did take the mask off that hid the brutality of foreign policy to a slice of the population.

Anyways, I think based on principle we should cooperate with Iran and Israel, been more hands off with Libya (though that ship has sailed), go hard against Saudi Arabia, worry more about hard line fundamentalist nations/leaders than the likes of Assad, and align with rest of world on Palestine issue. Of coure, in real politic, we like nations that are good busienss partners, and prolonging conflict in typical divide and conquer type affairs. It's all in the game y'all.
The lobbying, and intelligence operations.....yes.

That is also key, btw. I would guess that Israeli intelligence is second only to the US in size and capability.

How can they be above chinese or russians? They have not even expell there muslims. I argue France and UK have better intelligence to.
How can they be above chinese or russians? They have not even expell there muslims. I argue France and UK have better intelligence to.

Eh, Russia is probably 2, China 3, Isreal 4, UK 5. The degrees of separation here are very small though.

Of course we can't really know.
Eh, Russia is probably 2, China 3, Isreal 4, UK 5. The degrees of separation here are very small though.

Of course we can't really know.

But i ask what makes you think they are so high? They have less money, manpower and resources.