Improve gas tank for fighting (without Jogging)

Dont be lazy mofo and go out jogging for christ sake,its ultimate cardio gainer.
Hi Guys and Gals

What exercises do you do for fitness and making yourself last the extra round for a fight?

I really struggle with running, i hate it. i really loose motivation and i find it extremely hard on my knees.

Anything i can do without going on a 5km run everyday?



I am going to probably give you a little different advice than everyone else. When I started training BJJ and Judo the first thing I did was get on the internet and start looking for the best conditioning programs available. Nearly every single thing I found was sprints, burpees, and high intensity intervals. I fell right in line and worked my rear end off and manged to get my 100 rep burpee time under 10 minutes. The problem was I was still gassing like crazy on the mats. I was over the white belt spaz stage at this point also. I couldn't bring myself to do more and harder intervals so I went the total opposite direction and started slow jogging. Within about 3 weeks time my gas tank doubled easily. I could roll and roll with no problem. I could relax and breathe.

I found the jogging worked great but started to hinder lifting. I started riding the Airdyne for 2-3 easy sessions per week for 30-45 minutes and things just got better in all areas. I then started mixing in some very easy shadow boxing and movements on the ground while paying attention to my breathing. Since I've moved to easy aerobics training I've never even come close to gassing. I can recover now between the hard spurts. I'd suggest doing 2 easy sessions per week for 30-45 minutes. See how that works and if you need an extra day add one.

I think easy aerobics has made gaining muscle easier for me especially as I move deeper into middle age.
google "Roadwork 2.0", Joel jamieson has good stuff
Swimming and biking are great.
I wish I had a large pool near me, I'd swim a few times per week if I did. In southeast Ky there isn't a lot of things like that close to me. I could hit the river I guess.
I decided to do a short run with the wife and kids yesterday instead of the bike. Our kids are 11 and 7 and they haven't really ran any longer distance stuff so we just did an easy 2 mile shuffle run and followed it up with nearly 500 yards worth of crawls. Felt awesome to run and I slept so good last night, woke up feeling completely rested. I may just start hitting the blacktop again for awhile since I am not really pushing any heavy weights on the lower body stuff. Only bad thing was the deer flies just about eat us alive. Those thing suck.