Imagine being Bisping and watching this

The guy is legit crazy. Imagine being that comfortable with yourself.
why is everyone impressed with an obviously chemically enhanced physique?
I'm sorry, but if you think this guy is natural at 40 then you're out of your damn mind.

Gotta feel for him

Lol, Bisping is going to have the support of all the fairies....well, he is British so this is a given.

why is everyone impressed with an obviously chemically enhanced physique?

How does that make it any different???

If a hot woman took Clen to lose weight would a straight man give any fucks???

Bishping won the title, thats more than he could ever dream off.

Unless Yoel kills him (physically) Bisping still wins at life


Bisping grabbed Machida's drink out of the fridge again???

Why is he just wearing underwear

He just came from your mom's


The guy is legit crazy. Imagine being that comfortable with yourself.

I usually chub up first if I am going to do that.
Looks like a gorilla locked in a cage with his family running around him
It isn't easy at all, and lots of people will never have that physique no matter how hard they train due to genetics. And most of all, a 40 year old with such a physique is something else entirely.
he's an Olympian and a professional athelete. he's not a couch potato its not hard to have that body in his sitiation
Thank Jesus Yoel gassed or else I would have had to hear he is here again.