"I'm glad the officer is OK" says man who thought he was shooting hookers

I've been trying to track down the NPR radio program, but can't find it. This is really interesting to me.

The broadcast I listened to had a woman on who’s husband shot her. There were doctors on also if I’m not mistaken who study this issue.
No, the 2nd Amendment doesn't give you the right to start letting off rounds at hookers 500 feet from your property because you think they're hookers, and you don't like them.

Not even in Texas?
Hey, what do you think the 2A people thought about when the Nazis confiscated the guns of Jewish people? You know, like right before sending them on a train to Auschwitz?
You should put your reduction ad hitlerum at the beginning of your comment so people know right away not to engage you.
Meh, a cop's job is as easy as a plumber's.
He took the job, he knew the risks.
Congratulations, he did what he was supposed to do.
For once, a cop does something right

A glistening yellow pool of justice
It was illegal and he was charged...
Fuck joe, it says that in the story.
Another shit thread. That's two in a row Joe.
A whack job with a gun that thought it was ok to shoot at what he thought was a guy getting a blow job.

We recently had a guy that age shoot at people that turned around in his driveway. Claimed he felt threatened. Sounds legit