If you got a girl pregnant from another country, would you relocate there to raise the child?

If I got that girl pregnant, id definitely stay in paradise with her. Especially the model you used in that post. I don't know who she is, but I would be in heaven if I got to fuck her on a beach for the rest of my life.

Lol. She would blow up into Fatty Magee once she had a baby. Also, she wouldn’t even want sex anymore afterward anyway.
The Caribbean is pretty banging. I would move. Being there for my child would be a bonus.
no.she will be a single mom and the child a bastard or bastardette.
Depends on the results of the DNA test.

Do they have 59 cent tacos over there? I’ll move
Depend on situation
If after my saving world mission i get princess of Sweden pregnant


i humbly accept my scandinavian Prince role
Two weeks after would probably plot to became King, banish SJW bs from the north and resurrect an army of vikings to raid the world while wearing a super pimp roman emperor armor