I just started TRT, ask me anything

Jew gonna get a huge watery head like Joe Rogan?
I checked the thread and didn't see any numbers. It's possible I scrolled right past, but all you said "doc said it was above average."

The ranges are 200-1100, depending on the insurance company and testing facility. Some can be 200-800. I've seen both of those on various reports from my own tests with different doctors.

Huh I swore I did. Maybe it was in a different thread. But anyway I checked the paper again and it was 721. The average is somewhere around 640 I think? What I remember most was that the doc was really impressed.
Huh I swore I did. Maybe it was in a different thread. But anyway I checked the paper again and it was 721. The average is somewhere around 640 I think? What I remember most was that the doc was really impressed.

Did the doctor want to smash?
It was a dude.
diagnosed with low testosterone, after depression, tripping anxiety, and brain fog. had a slew of bloodwork done and was diagnosed with extremely low T. I workout daily, eat well, don't drink or smoke and im in fairly good shape, so I never suspected to have low Testosterone. Tried to take natural routes to raise my testosterone; they were futile. Now Im on testosterone replacement therapy, also taking an aromatase inhibitor to keep my estrogen low.

feel free to ask me anything

Are your testicles still there, and do they still work after taking some T?
Huh I swore I did. Maybe it was in a different thread. But anyway I checked the paper again and it was 721. The average is somewhere around 640 I think? What I remember most was that the doc was really impressed.

721 is in the normal range in your 20s, if not on the high side. Definitely not "high T", like way out of range.
seriously? why? I know people who have gotten it prescribed just because they were trying to have a baby

I guess it was too pricey or something. I don't remember, as that was several years ago. I am done having kids now, so it's irrelevant anyway.
Been nearly 3 weeks. Energy is up for sure. I used to get constantly agitated and walked around with a sense of feeling uncomfortable. That has gone down significantly. Someone on the TRT reddit used an analogy that I found to be the perfect description of how my experience was before and after starting TRT:

"Before TRT I wasn't miserable, I could handle life, but it was like listening to your favorite song on 1% volume, after TRT it feels as If the volume has been turned up. Appreciating that song in ways I never knew about before"
Been nearly 3 weeks. Energy is up for sure. I used to get constantly agitated and walked around with a sense of feeling uncomfortable. That has gone down significantly. Someone on the TRT reddit used an analogy that I found to be the perfect description of how my experience was before and after starting TRT:

"Before TRT I wasn't miserable, I could handle life, but it was like listening to your favorite song on 1% volume, after TRT it feels as If the volume has been turned up. Appreciating that song in ways I never knew about before"
How are them boners and libido?
Is it worth it?

Are you gonna lose all your gains when you have to quit?

Do you have bitch tits?