I hear Conor's whiskey is pretty bad

I wouldn't expect a brand new whiskey to taste good tbh. Maybe in 10-15 years they can out with a decent aged whiskey
I think you heard wrong because I've hea........
One of the reviewers is wearing a Jack Daniels Old No. 7 t-shirt. If that doesn't immediately disqualify him from reviewing whiskies, I don't know what does.
A whiskey taster with a Jack Daniel's tshirt? Really?
One of the reviewers is wearing a Jack Daniels Old No. 7 t-shirt. If that doesn't immediately disqualify him from reviewing whiskies, I don't know what does.

IMO it makes it worst, because even that guy doesn't like it.
Conor made a shitty whiskey and passes it off as some elite shit at high price to sell to his dumb ones. What a surprise.

Edit: Found out it's only $25. Guess he's not trying to disguise it as anything fancy. Figured coming from a celebrity it would be marketed as the next holy water.
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What the fuck, they are arguing about if Conor actually distills his whiskey himself? The guy on the left sounds, and the guy on the right sounds like he has to cope with this all the time.
Nobody really likes whiskey anyways

Yes, they do. Very, very much so. There is no drink of any kind that I love more than whisky. Taste something decent from Scotland, and you might love it too. Problem is, most people have only tasted junk like Jack Daniel's etc, and decided they don't like it, which is fair, I suppose. But that's like saying you don't like traveling because the only place you traveled to was boring as fuck and the food there made you sick.