I have a sugar addiction. What type of rehab would you reccomend?


Some scientists say its as addictive as crack.

Other scientists say they must be smoking crack to make such a claim.

All I know is I cannot put the cookie down. I dont want to eat a cookie now my plan is to never eat cookies again . But when I get hungry a whole new personality takes over and I want the cookie. Its not like I can use discipline because when I want the cookie when im hungry I abandon my long term goals of being in shape and I focus on cookies and having a good time with them. You use discipline when you want to achieve something well I dont even want to achieve something when I want cookies that desire gets replaced.

I therefore am powerless.

My serious question is if I want to break the addiction do I go T total or do I lower my dose?

me too man it has caused me many missed fights due to not being able to stop eating frostedflakes and capri suns im just glad that now im only addicted to opiates and not sugar ohh boy am i lucky