I defeated Demetrius Johnson 1v1 AMA

im all about red dead and that will be my main game, I just play destiny 2 right now. I only got soul cal because soul cal is just fun as shit to play no matter what.
I figure if I get 20 hours out of it, im happy.

ill end up getting a lot more than that though

I'm definitely getting Red Dead, but SC6 is much better than the last 3 SoulCaliburs. Destiny 2 now is a lot better than it was last year and that's all I'm playing too.
I want to pick up Soul Calibur 6 so badly.

What's your favorite aspect or feature in the game? Any cool unlockables?
Henry whooped him? Yeah, a whooping via very, very, very generous judging.
I beat Mark Hunt in CSGO, in one game, his team raped us for the other few games.
Ivy was such a whore... lol


you take that back right now! she is just a naughty tease.
Honestly hes overrated. Hes a good fighter, but my Astaroth game is unstoppable. He was boasting on twitch like he was unbeatable but I dropped a whooping on him worse than Henry did.

He should stick with MMA, Soul Calibur 6 isnt his thing
eh i suck at LOL and play every day. I usually get the good players to do all the work.