How to exit properly off of a highway

To not turn suddenly and tip his cargo over. Didn't work out, but they tried.
He was also transporting liquid. He needed to slow down and that shit gains momentum pushing you in the direction you're going. To turn to the left, he needs to have more time to slow down and turn suddenly, that water or whatever would tip the whole thing over. It's a lot more difficult with liquids.
Why do you assume its a woman?????

Of course it's a woman
Dude, there's a city block sized traffic circle in NE Calgary. The last two times I was on it there was a sheepishly smiling Asian gent driving into oncoming traffic waving apologetically.
Dude, there's a city block sized traffic circle in NE Calgary. The last two times I was on it there was a sheepishly smiling Asian gent driving into oncoming traffic waving apologetically.
Well yes the men may drive into oncoming traffic, but the women just stop and cause two semis to crash then drive away. One could argue that the latter actually takes more skill I suppose...

I guarantee that driver was asian, here in the bay area these Chinese ppl will literally back up on the shoulder of the highway if they miss an exit. They cant be bothered to signal or or look over the shoulder when merging as well. In the supermarket they try and cut in line just like they do in a line to exit or turn onto a road.

<{nope}> .

Female asian? Double whammy.
We live in a world now, thanks to reality tv and the worship of money, where people think the ultimate measure of their self worth is based on how much they can inconvenience others. If they can inconvenience other people to get what they want, it means they must be important.