How can you not love 'Thug' Rose!

I find it quite easy to not be a fan of hers
Huge Thug Rose fan and very pleased to see her as champion. Glad she made JJ tap to strikes...


if thug rose gets you randy.
I have questions.
not sure what you're talking about.
but if thug rose arouses you, pretty much any 12 year old boy could.

So you look at a strong independent woman and start thinking about getting aroused by young boys?

You should seek help immediately.
I do indeed love her, and I think she's genuine and sweet. If you've followed her at all you also know that she's wickedly smart. An honor role student, a talented musician and an all-round cool girl.
Maybe when she speaks like a normal white girl and lets hair grow long again... maybe.

Her skill and execution are undeniable though.
The fact that she refers to herself as a thug is a bit off-putting. imho
