How American Christianity has failed

You ask this question, someone explains it to you, and then some weeks pass and you ask it again. At least don't pretend you're willing to listen to reason.
None of the answers make any sense or the least bit coherent.
Not a belief, absence of belief
Bullshit. If you had absence of belief you wouldn't claim there is no God. To claim it you have to believe it, as you obviously do.

Absence of belief goes both ways. It leads to agnosticism, not atheism.
How so? By saying we should help the Muslims outside our borders?
Haha do we really need to quote every time you've referred to Muslims as evil or how Islam is an evil religion? Sounds like disdain to me. If you don't consider your words hate I'd hate to see what you actually consider hate.

And wlu.29 is on point. You have Christians talk about how much charity they give only to turn around and call poor people worthless leeches who are destroying this country. It's like doing just enough to be self righteous but in the end completely villifying those they claim to be helping and causing hate towards them and giving reasons not to help them.

In the end everything is a spectrum with Christians going from evangelical to liberal to apolitical. If imagine more of the resources of the latter two go towards helping others while the resources of the more evangelical churches go to stuff like you're going to hell if you don't follow Jesus billboards.
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Bullshit. If you had absence of belief you wouldn't claim there is no God. To claim it you have to believe it, as you obviously do.

Absence of belief goes both ways. It leads to agnosticism, not atheism.


The term belief, was being equated with faith.. ie belief on zero evidence. "take it on faith" etc
To assume that belief in god and "belief" in no god operate on the same level is simply foolish. That would imply that there is equal evidence of both scenarios, which simply is completely false.
The complete lack of any evidence, combined with ever expanding understanding of how the world operates, combined with previously documented faith-based beliefs being completely debunked and soon forgotten is a very strong case for nonexistence of a god, this isn't a 50/50 split.. this is reality.

The only way you could say that atheists "belief" is somehow at the same level with those of believers would be, if there was an endless supply of evidence of a god, verified accounts of supernatural healing, verified evidence of the stories in the holy book, verifiable contact with the divine etc etc..and despite mountains of evidence, the atheists still had faith that there was no good, THEN AND ONLY THEN the two positions are on equal ground.

Oh and atheism and agnosticism are not mutually exclusive. Agnosticism isn't a 50/50 split either. You don't half pray, you don't half church.. everyone is an agnostic, with different degrees of leaning towards belief or nonbelief. Everyone thats sane is an agnostic, but you either lean to one side or the other. The only people who say they know for CERTAIN, are the insane. (and usually those tend to end up on the believing side)

Try again
You raise some good points, however, the LGTBQ community?

2 Chronicles 19:2

Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.

Helping and loving some people isn't just ungodly it's a sin.
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I'm a follower of Jesus and I understand a lot of what you're saying. That being said.
I'm FOR bringing in the tired, hungry, poor, huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.
As far as homosexuality goes, do I think it's a sin? Yes, the Bible says so. Am I here to judge anyone or curse them? Absolutely not. I'm not going to ram my beliefs down your throat. You can judge my faith by how I live my life and how I treat people.

Case in point, my friend is transsexual and asked me to stand by him during his wedding. I said absolutely. My friend is my friend no matter what.

Has American Christianity failed? Absolutely not.
Have some American Christians failed? Absolutely. But we're human, that'll happen. Don't be upset because some people made (IMHO) a bad choice. Get up and do something that'll help FIX the situation.

The tranny wedding thing doesnt make sense to me. It seems to me that you were tested between having to stand up for your godly morals or make your friend happy as he/she did something blasphemous and you sided with your friend. You could have told your friend sorry i cant attend your wedding due to religious reasons and your friend would either accept that or not. God > Friends.
America is your home, outside its door people are starving and facing death. Yet you decide it's okay to lock the door and keep them outside, because it's more convenient for you.

Makes sense for a secular person. A follower of Christ though. . . Not so much.

Every 4 seconds somebody starves to death, mostly children. 3+ billion live in poverty. Hell you could probably turn 1+ billion into refugees. For example Venezuela atm needs major help.

People like rip have been donating to places that feeding the hungry, providing medicine, shelter, mosquito nets, clean water, etc well before this "refugee crisis".

Yes lock the door for some(and help them over there). You don't let fox's guard the hen house. Anyone that supports sharia like laws should not be allowed in. You don't bring people in that don't want to assimilate, have questionable/bad ideals and oppressive(very much so against women and especially the lgbt also stated in the op ) ideals.
So basically if you're a Christian your mission in life is to do everything you can to facilitate the destruction of Christianity and the destruction of the western world -- else you are a hypocrite. A cannibalistic organism.


Next time you ask why the the religious right faded and the secular nationalist ("alt") right grew in its place -- there's your answer.
I'm a follower of Jesus and I understand a lot of what you're saying. That being said.
I'm FOR bringing in the tired, hungry, poor, huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.
If you weren't serious I'd find it hilarious that you think a New York Jew's poem that is over a century younger than the country is somehow more in line with both what being an American and Christian is all about than the writings of actual Christians and Founding Fathers.

If you want to help, do it with your own money, and do it where they are instead of bringing them here. That way you'll help approximately 13x the amount of people for your buck.
The term belief, was being equated with faith.
A belief is a belief. You believe there is no God so there you have an actual belief, not "lack of its negation". If you had absence of belief it would not have information content.

ie belief on zero evidence. "take it on faith" etc
You're a fucking idiot. Go read the first WR debate to educate yourself on basics, such as what evidence is, before trying to bullshit more.

You're severely undersized for this ride.
A belief is a belief. You believe there is no God so there you have an actual belief, not "lack of its negation". If you had absence of belief it would not have information content.

You're a fucking idiot. Go read the first WR debate to educate yourself on basics, such as what evidence is, before trying to bullshit more.

You're severely undersized for this ride.

Cry more,

You have no retort.
Why don't you go educate yourself on the concept of burden of proof kiddo

Some posturing alt right cuck, undersized? Bitch im not the one who doesn't understand the basic definition of agnosticism.
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Cry more,

You have no retort.
Why don't you go educate yourself on the concept of burden of proof kiddo

Some posturing alt right cuck, undersized? Bitch im not the one who doesn't understand the basic definition of agnosticism.

Triggered fo' sho'.
Christianity in general failed by being 100% bullshit.

21st century and idiots still believe this crap
Christianity in general failed by being 100% bullshit.

21st century and idiots still believe this crap
A great man once said, on this forum,
It puts things quite nicely in perspective when you understand that 1985 was barbaric dark age in their perspective.

That's why their only appeal is the current year. They don't remember anything prior.

Yes, I'm a fan of my own posts.
Prove that I'm not

Make Jennifer Aniston's tits bigger and maybe I'll follow your God complex.

Until then, plastic surgeons have a better chance of making me believe they're God.

Seriously though, you do seem to think you know more than everyone. And it's based on stories you read online.

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