Hillary: "Russian Facebook ads= modern day warfare".


'Merica Belt
Oct 21, 2017
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Apparently she's still popping up on liberal networks promoting book tour and blaming everyone but herself. Was on Daily Show yesterday with this gem. So from now on when you post a meme, you know you're engaged in combat, fellas.

Everyone here is a warrior, and your community is proud of you.


for sure, not to mention all the russian trolls, i never thought my posts have that much power lol
for sure, not to mention all the russian trolls, i never thought my posts have that much power lol

You are on the front lines battling.
We'll deploy today at 05:00 for night troll reconnaissance mission.
She's playing a dangerous game. Longterm her insight will be viewed in a positive manner. While Trump is still president it will do nothing but further isolate and energize his base.
So modern warfare = online trolls.

What about the real soliders risking their lives in the Middle East? No military families are mad? She's worst than Trump = worst than Hitler.
Have you even seen the Ads? they were new to me, and meme type jokes. They certainly werent one way ads supporting Donald either, narrative blown.
Just when you thought the daily show couldn't get worse...
Facebook took money from Russians to spread their election propaganda? Has Zuckerberg been arrested yet?
russia influenced the election with $100K.

Funny thing is that Facebook doesnt even say that Russia was entirely responsible for that $100K in spending. Out of that $100K in spending, it was *likely* it was russia.

If you can influence the election for 100K, why do candidates spend billions? These ads might have influenced 2 actual people, what a joke.
If people don't see the nuance of what she's discussing, there is little hope for them. Propaganda is incredibly powerful, and impactful. Social media's omnipresence in the lives of citizens all over the world, has officially changed the game of influencing people.

With data analytics/psychometrics emerging as being incredibly predictive of human thinking patterns, everyone better start learning how to vet information properly.
With data analytics/psychometrics emerging as being incredibly predictive of human thinking patterns, everyone better start learning how to vet information properly.

I must be getting old, in my day it was called not being a fucking moron.

You kids these days lol, a bunch of fucktards.
Yes people lying to other people is modern day warfare.
Are people not vetting information when they call bullshit on Hilary here?
No, they're not. They're choosing to interpret her words in a way that fits their narrative of her being out of touch, and the biggest crook ever. The right in this country is incapable of viewing anything about Hillary objectively. They've been inundated with bullshit smears against her for 25 years now.
Facebook took money from Russians to spread their election propaganda? Has Zuckerberg been arrested yet?
The Ads didnt even tell you who to vote for, it was just divisive media, like the news media typically do.

No evidence that the Ads were used to influence the election, for all we know, it was way too insignificant, and more likely for more clicks/shares in an attempt for ad revenue. Russians like to make money too, who knew?

100K in ad spending for the entire country, not explicitly linked to Russia operatives, is literally nothing.

That's why when you see the ads, you're left scratching your heads. Never seen them before.

126million views is nothing in the grand scheme.

twinkle twinkle little star by super simple songs has 184 million views, people probably view thousands of ads each day during the season, which translates to trillions of views, 126 million is an absolute spec in that regard. if you saw 1 single view of 1 russian tied ad through TWO YEARS, would that change your view? That's what's going on here. The number sounds scary like it can actually influence, but it cant. On top of the 126 million claim, how many were americans? I havent seen the claim that views of russian tied ads were from voting americans.