Henry Cavill's receding hairline makes him look like a villain

i am so glad for native blood in me now. there is no blading from any male relatives on either side at worst at like age 60 grandpa started to get a semi bald spot in back of head but it not even full it just the hair thinning. By time i am 60 i bet they will have some better ways to stop that from happening or fix it.

dont use that shit it looks like paint on your head i say either save money for hair transplant or just go rock shaved or balled head.

I got a bad shaped head and im light skinned, bald black men only work if they got dark skin it looks normal, but if you got caramel complexion like a Kevin Lee its not a good look unless you got the head shape.
he will be like 35 this year. they will and should get another superman maybe someone much younger this time.

she still removes hair right but her leg hair is like barely any right? or does she have none at all?

girls who have thinner body hair and sparse or have naturally smooth skin and barely any hair feel best when waxed or shaved. Women who got thick and lots of body hair will never feel that way unless they just shaved but within like 1 day the coarse hair comes back you can feel it.

I know what you talking about it like night and day the skin on woman once you have a east asian girl or girl like your girl. If i ever married a persian, indian, or hot spanish girl or something I would immediately shove out thousands of dollars to pay for laser hair removal for her. actually now i think of it all women should get laser hair removal, so should men on key areas i think. If a guy has hairy back and chest and shaves it save time and money get it lasered off.
She literally has no hair on her arms. The only hair is just above her ankle and she only shaves once a year because it takes forever to grow back.

She has a lot of pueblos indigenas in her.