Help me Mayberriers - did I school myself?


White Belt
Jan 2, 2015
Reaction score
So I got this Hispanic buddy. We shoot the shit and give each other crap all the time.

So we were kidding around and he said something to me all smart ass, and I responded with "yo' momma!" In a very deep English tone.

So he says that I fucked up - "yo" in Spanish means "I". So basically he's saying when I was trying to say "your momma" in slang English, I actually said "my momma" and schooled myself.

I get that, but my view is I WAS SPEAKING ENGLISH, NOT SPANISH. I don't care what my words might have meant in Spanish, French, or Klingon. I was speaking English, with a black accent maybe, but it was still English.

Thoughts on who is wrong and who is right?

Are you white? if so who cares, just raise his taxes and annex his land.
The closest Spanish translation would basically be "I am mom"
Count yourself lucky he has yet to stab you with a screwdriver behind a gas station.
your momma is so fat that Rosie O'donnell looked at her and said "Damn thats a big bitch."
I have given this a lot of thought and have come to the conclusion that I do not give a fuck.
That's not even right. I'm English, but I can also Spanish. I suggest you do the same.