Haskins vs Burnett

Hopefully Burnett wins. I am tired of seeing Haskins' rainbow belt on boxrec.
Ryan Doyle-James Tennyson JLW up now.
Doyle letting them hands go, Tennyson immediately stops his momentum with his own volley.
Tennyson walking Doyle down in the 5th.
Uppercuts by Tennyson starting to take their toll.
The body is there for Tennyson.
Tennyson TKO 6, corner stops it.
Hopefully the streams don't crash again.
Burnett looks like he's cut.
Burnett keeping his hands at his hips. Way low.
Heads keep coming together.
Down goes Haskins in the 6th.
Looks like Haskins hurt his elbow throwing a punch.
Haskins not using the right, one arm fighter.
Looks like Haskin is about to lose his title.