Has there ever been a U.S. President who whines more than TRUMP?

Well, at least it is signal that he isn't happy with the Swamp even if he is not up to defeating it.
Hey he's only crying in self defense like every stable adult male should.
This, more than any policy decision he’s made, is why I could never vote for him. He’s got no sense of accountability, the buck stops elsewhere, always with this guy. He’s failed on some key items from his platform, and it’s always somebody else’s fault, like he doesn’t understand that the ability to succeed despite opposition is central to judging a president’s performance.
Someone already said it but I'll echo it. Trump and his supporters are perennial victims. Waaaaaaahhh, my life is bad so lets blame the libruhls. Waaaaaah, I'm a criminal so everyone else is wrong and everyone is out to get me.

So we all know that over 400 former attorney generals signed the letter saying if Trump was not president he would be indicted. Can you imagine taking the side of Donald Trump over 400 democrat and republican attorney generals? I mean, how delusional does one have to be? It's cognitive dissonance because no humans can really be this stupid
Greatest POTUS since Lincoln. Who cares about whine, wine or whinnying from horse faces when you're living with greatness? It's like what Kawhi's doing right now or Curry shooting frees. You just enjoy it and ignore that their elbows are pointy.
I never supported Hillary and think Trump has some solid ideas but we're only a week in and he's already getting kind of tiresome with his constant whining. Admittedly he was also doing it during his campaign, so maybe I should've gotten used to it by now, but I figured once he won he would calm down and start acting with a little more class and being less insecure and defensive.

I've been around since Reagan, so lived through Clinton, both Bushes and Obama and never remember a US President who came across as even close to as much of a whiner as Trump does. Is it because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth to multi-millionaire parents who spoiled him and made him come across as so entitled? I don't remember any candidate, let alone President, who played the victim as much as he does. As crappy as Hillary was as a choice for the American people, at least she wasn't constantly sticking out her bottom lip and pouting like her main opponent was.

On the one hand the extent to which Trump has come to be considered a big ol' whiner could be reduced if he quit tweeting, since that's where most of his complaining can be seen, but on the other hand, is the tweeting also something which actually draws a large amount of his supporters to him?

ETA: This is not an accusation which is even close to controversial by the way. The man himself doesn't deny it. In fact he's flat-out called himself a whiner --- http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015...us-whiner-want-to-have-flexibility-on-policy/

I'm mostly interested in how him being that type of person plays to the American public. Clearly anyone who supports him can have zero problem with people who come across as whiners.

EDIT 7/5/2019: Over two years later there can be zero doubt, this clownshow whines more than the other 44 combined. And sadly at this point it doesn't even look like the Dems have what it takes to field someone effective enough to take over from him. Get your shit together America, this just gets more and more embarrassing.

Has there ever been a Ts who whines more than @Rum
And then the same people play dumb and act like it isn't biased

I know this troll is long gone (as is the troll he's responding to), but obviously that graphic was photoshopped. LOL at anyone taking it seriously.
Probably not

But at this rate, no president is on pace to WIN more.
Lol...he loses basically every policy fight he picks. Trump healthcare and "build the wall" are dead.
Has there ever been a Ts who whines more than @Rum

"Must've hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that huh kid?"
