Guitar Solos in Unexpected Songs

Ezekiel 25:17

Black Belt
May 15, 2016
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We all know the same old greatest guitar solos from your typical Hendrix, Zepp, Van Halen tracks, but what about those songs you were listening to where you never heard it coming?

For Example:

Wilson Picketts version of Hey Jude. The last thing I expected from hearing a soul version of a beatles classic was a shredding guitar solo from a young Duane Allman.

Ive heard some Isley Brothers tracks before and loved their laid back, R&B songs. This was the first time I heard guitar riffs to this effect on one of their tracks. A seals and crofts cover no less that I love more than the original now thanks to the strings.

I had the album this song was on when I was a kid, but didnt know it existed till much later. Was too busy listening to tracks like all night long and hello. Totally missed out on the amazing guitar chops here and didnt expect it on such a poppy, pop album.

Anyone else have any guitar riffs/solos that caught them by surprise on tracks they didnt expect them on?

As if that beautiful crunchy power chord riff isn’t unexpected enough, the outro solo with the bends and shredding is icing on the cake

Gaga also got Brian May to write the riff and solo for You and I

She put some nice screaming guitars in her Top Gun song too for that 80’s feel

As if that beautiful crunchy power chord riff isn’t unexpected enough, the outro solo with the bends and shredding is icing on the cake

Gaga also got Brian May to write the riff and solo for You and I

She put some nice screaming guitars in her Top Gun song too for that 80’s feel

Gaga is my guilty music pleasure
When I was young I only knew the Bob Marley songs that were played on the radio and none of them had any guitar solos, so that was my impression of Reggae until I went to university.

Which was when I got introduced to this.
The solo in Eyes without a Face seems out of place.
