graveyard shift weight gain

Lol, at everyone who claims it's not hard. Those who have never worked a night job in their lives. If you don't sleep when you are supposed to, a bunch of hormones and functions in your body don't happen when they are supposed too.

Your craving for carbs go way up and that is the last thing you should eat.
Everyone seems to be skipping this part. What exactly is your sleeping schedule on average? I understand it may not be the same everyday, and I also understand that you might want to use some of the day time hours as well.

I think the healthiest sleeping cycle would be to just reverse the typical sleeping patterns of people that work during the day. You should just sleep all day and make that 7pm or whatever is like it's your morning. Then you just eat a breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but on your own schedule. If you are waking up right before work as well, you should have energy to go workout in the morning when you get off work.

It might not work the best socially, but that's just my opinion. No matter what you do, just try to watch your calorie intake and find some way to get some exercise. That's really all you can do. The only other thing is making sure you get enough sleep, but it's probably more complex working that shift. Most people wouldn't want to spend their entire days in bed.
I did when I first worked the overnight shift...then got in a routine. Now stuck at a desk after 7 years of overnight and at first felt the need to snack at my desk but cut that out.
Are you bringing your own lunch to work? The food options available at 3 am aren't usually very good.

Yeah I bring my own food.It cuts back on time.Most stuff I bring is chicken breast or chicken with a side of vegetables,sweet potatoe or pasta.I can't eat candy on my breaks at the beginning of work.I prefer trail mix or fruit bars.
Lol, at everyone who claims it's not hard. Those who have never worked a night job in their lives. If you don't sleep when you are supposed to, a bunch of hormones and functions in your body don't happen when they are supposed too.

Your craving for carbs go way up and that is the last thing you should eat.

Yuup.Furthermore,your metabolism goes haywire and you lose serotoin.
Yea, the sleeping schedule screwed me up. Wasn't really graveyard but 1-10. After a few months, my body adjusted to the afternoons being my mornings. The normal shift would have me getting home around 6 and then eat dinner with the wife. I wouldn't be hungry when it came time to sleep. With the night shift, I'd get home around 11 and like normal, my body would be ready to eat an hour or two after I get home. So that would put dinner around 1-2am for me. What made it worse was that I was never hungry during work so I never really ate, just water and work. My body would feel hungry again around 4 or 5am and I'd eat again then wait for the wife to get up then crash out. I was eating 2 meals a day like normal but they were squished into about a 4-5 hour span. Went from 180 to 201 in around 6 - 8 months.
Yea, the sleeping schedule screwed me up. Wasn't really graveyard but 1-10. After a few months, my body adjusted to the afternoons being my mornings. The normal shift would have me getting home around 6 and then eat dinner with the wife. I wouldn't be hungry when it came time to sleep. With the night shift, I'd get home around 11 and like normal, my body would be ready to eat an hour or two after I get home. So that would put dinner around 1-2am for me. What made it worse was that I was never hungry during work so I never really ate, just water and work. My body would feel hungry again around 4 or 5am and I'd eat again then wait for the wife to get up then crash out. I was eating 2 meals a day like normal but they were squished into about a 4-5 hour span. Went from 180 to 201 in around 6 - 8 months.

I'm in that similar situation.I put on 30 lbs around a year followed by another 10lbs.It's a pain in the ass to lose.
lower your total intake for the day

even if you binge at night if your intake is low you can maintain your weight
I actually lost weight, mostly cause my sleeping pattern was messed up so I'd be too dam tired to eat most times
Its a fact that working nights is less healthy and you can gain weight.
And yes I have, try not to eat when I get home in the morning but its hard always so hungry.
Yea, the sleeping schedule screwed me up. Wasn't really graveyard but 1-10. After a few months, my body adjusted to the afternoons being my mornings. The normal shift would have me getting home around 6 and then eat dinner with the wife. I wouldn't be hungry when it came time to sleep. With the night shift, I'd get home around 11 and like normal, my body would be ready to eat an hour or two after I get home. So that would put dinner around 1-2am for me. What made it worse was that I was never hungry during work so I never really ate, just water and work. My body would feel hungry again around 4 or 5am and I'd eat again then wait for the wife to get up then crash out. I was eating 2 meals a day like normal but they were squished into about a 4-5 hour span. Went from 180 to 201 in around 6 - 8 months.

Yes man something similar happened to me I work true nights like 8 in the night to 8 in the morning but I rarely eat more than twice and for awhile would eat a big meal when i got up and that's it and i still gained weight. I find my self on complete opposite schedule eat a big meal when i get up and eat small before bed like cereal or something.
^^^^for the most part,I eat oatmeal,cereal,cream of wheat for breakfast when I get off work.If I work a 7-10 day stretch,I'll go to bed.On my day off,i'll normally eat a big ass breakfast.

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