Good video and argument against Affirmative Action

the discussion is problematic to begin with because the vast majority of black people don't know who jesse lee peterson is...he's just not on our radar. i've known about this guy for a long time, but that's because i 'm a nerd who watches c-span for fun and reads sociological studies about race because that kinda stuff interests me.

but that poor woman was ambushed...she had no idea this is a guy who has made his career as a fringe agitator, undermining the narrative that there is racial inequality in america. IMO, if the lady had been some kinda weirdo, unbeknownst to jesse, and shared his fucked up views about race and inequality, this video would never have been posted...he woulda kicked her out of the studio after 5 minutes, because he woulda had no use for her and woulda probably questioned her sanity. it's because jesse knows that blacks share a common experience in america and one that is well documented, that he knows there will be a discussion on the topic. but picking a random woman who is not an expert in this area is not the way to explore this topic...if he wants to do right by his viewers he should pick on a black studies professor or a civil rights lawyer. but he doesn't do this because he knows they would chew him up and spit him out in a bloody heap. so, he picks on an ordinary woman to beat up while his racist followers cheer along. that jsut makes jesse an asshole...and a coward.

the bottomline about affirmative action is that the only thing blacks "get" is opportunity. Once they get that opportunity they have to prove themselves. Affirmative action was a necessity because for many years there was a quota of zero when it comes to blacks. blacks were denied opportunity. affirmative action is not racism...affirmative action is the cure for racism. it removes the barriers against blacks getting into college, the police force, the fire dept, etc., by taking into consideration all the factors that are necessary to perform those jobs successfully. but getting the job is not the victory...keeping the job, graduating from the school, THAT's the victory. therefore affirmative action says nothing at all about the quality of person you are...all it says is that you,as a black person, finally got the opportunity others have always taken for granted.

So, whites oppose affirmative action, not really because they feel it produces an inferior product. they oppose it because they are AFRAID IT DOESN'T. once blacks prove they can be great policemen, firemen, graduate from harvard, etc, they start to compete on even terms with becomes a more level playing field...that threatens white people and encroaches on their white privilege, which by the way, is a realty. and that is why whites hate affirmative action and object to it. its about holding onto to white supremacy at all costs and continuing to deny opportunities to others while blaming those others for being lazy and lacking ingenuity as the reasons they haven't risen up.

That's gottta be Trotsky right? Wall of text with nothing of substance within.
If you get an opportunity based on something other than merit/proven ability and you end up washing out because you can't hack it, have you really been helped?
That Townbiz guy has an opinion thats so ass backwards on this subject, jesus
They get an unearned opportunity. They get handicapped the same way a golfer gets handicapped. You only give handicaps to someone you think is inferior.

Blacks don't need AA and it hasn't helped them at all. Blacks are just as capable as anyone else.

The FIX to treating people different because of their race is NOT MORE treating people different because of their race.
No is out their twirling their mustache around keeping down black people....not anyone with any type of power or financial success because they are all busy doing shit.

I just interviewed and hired a black guy for a pretty high IT position. It was because he knew his shit and had a good personality. No handicaps needed.


^ from a black man who grew up poor in Harlem and succeeded on his own merits.

I was going to mention Thomas Sowell here.
He has some excellent writings and interviews.
well, of course i disagree with that perspective...and it's not that l lack proof...i've actually taken the time to learn about this issue and inform myself about the motives of white people who oppose affirmative action...there is a ton of literature, research material and empirical data, etc about this issue.

the reason is fear...that's just being honest.

white people are scared that they are losing their stronghold on political and economic and social power and prestige in america...and they're losing it to blacks, who they have all be raised to believe is an inferior race. when obama was elected and was doing his thing, the invectives, the white hot hate,etc...all that was not because they don't care or don't know about's because the very existence of a black president was anathema to the whole notion of white supremacy.

and please don't be dishonest...whites know damn well there's such a thing as white privilege...they ALL know it. they KNOW they won't get shot down in the street for walking home or running away or surrendering to the police...they KNOW they can commit a crime and blame a black man and there's a good chance they'll get off...or even if they don't get off, they won't get anything close to the sentence a black man will get for the same crime....they KNOW that even if ALL they have is a high school diploma, their chances of finding a job are better than a black man with a college degree...they can even do a shitty job, which a lotta them do and keep their job, whereas a black man will be held to the highest standard...just look at trump and obama.

but if they admit that there's such a thing as white privilege it makes them feel they didn't achieve shit on their the one poster was saying it's offensive to feel like you need the help of somebody else to make it...and whites don't ever want to admit that they needed the "help" of black people in order to enjoy the status they do,so they downplay their privilege and act like they came from the bottom and now they here.

those are some of the reasons why whites in america do NOT want affirmative action...they don't want to be unemployed at the same rate of blacks...if they lose their status, then it might be THEM or their kids getting shot down walking home with nothing but a bag of skittles in their pockets....they know the deal.

the truth is, i don't blame whites for wanting to KEEP racial inequality...they got it good now. they know it, we know it...when shit starts to get hard for them, they start turning to opiates and committing suicide cause they can't handle the stress, lol. they BETTER fight to keep racial inequality in place, because i tell you right now, when the tables are turned is gonna be hell to pay.
Lol, this is incredibly racist.
the bottomline about affirmative action is that the only thing blacks "get" is opportunity. Once they get that opportunity they have to prove themselves. Affirmative action was a necessity because for many years there was a quota of zero when it comes to blacks. blacks were denied opportunity. affirmative action is not racism...affirmative action is the cure for racism. it removes the barriers against blacks getting into college, the police force, the fire dept, etc., by taking into consideration all the factors that are necessary to perform those jobs successfully. but getting the job is not the victory...keeping the job, graduating from the school, THAT's the victory. therefore affirmative action says nothing at all about the quality of person you are...all it says is that you,as a black person, finally got the opportunity others have always taken for granted.
You make it sound like Blacks are stupid and can't make it on their own. It's as if you think blacks are inferior and need extra help to make it in life. You sound very Racist.

There are plenty of Blacks who are successful who didn't need affirmative action.

So, whites oppose affirmative action, not really because they feel it produces an inferior product. they oppose it because they are AFRAID IT DOESN'T. once blacks prove they can be great policemen, firemen, graduate from harvard, etc, they start to compete on even terms with becomes a more level playing field...that threatens white people and encroaches on their white privilege, which by the way, is a realty. and that is why whites hate affirmative action and object to it. its about holding onto to white supremacy at all costs and continuing to deny opportunities to others while blaming those others for being lazy and lacking ingenuity as the reasons they haven't risen up.

WOW, just wow. This statement is so ignorant.

I think you live in an indoctrinated fantasy.