good exercises for forearm conditioning


Oct 21, 2017
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One thing that sucks about being at a lower level gym only 3 purples and 1 brown is its hard to ever get pushed so if u compete vs guys on your level the first thing i always feel gas is my forearms so i thought id come ask you guys what you think is best to deal with forearms gassing.

i do arm curls to help condition my bicep's for my squeezing but i dont think it will help with the forearms
towel pull ups and towel hangs or even gi pull ups/gi hangs. maybe do grease the groove or some sort of ladder/pyramid rep scheme to get a bigger weekly volume.
Farmer carries. Also do you DL?
Wide-grip DL and Farmer carries.

Rock climbing would probably help too...
One thing that sucks about being at a lower level gym only 3 purples and 1 brown is its hard to ever get pushed so if u compete vs guys on your level the first thing i always feel gas is my forearms so i thought id come ask you guys what you think is best to deal with forearms gassing.

i do arm curls to help condition my bicep's for my squeezing but i dont think it will help with the forearms
Quite letting your boyfriend beat your dick. Beat your dick yourself. Profit.

Take the sledgehammer to the tire. That will give your forearms a work.
Farmer walks, hanging from a bar, pinching 2-3 small plates together, wrist rolls for high repetitions. All great.
Plate pinches and reverse behind the bar forearm curls, hammer curls
Fat grips during all of your curls, pull ups, and rows.
If you have no money to spend and no space for equipment: Get an empty plastic water bottle. Then twist on the cap and squeeze it. Sets of 6 secs build strength, sets of 30 secs build endurance.

There should be enough air in it to give it some give. If you can't squeeze it at all, that's no good.

Or, you know, just get a tennis ball and squeeze it so hard the insides touch (this usually doesn't hit the thumb though).