Go back to SS for a month to put on weight?

Because you are still pretty skinny you can probably make more progress on SS. Another option would be the Texas Method. I think it's the next logical step after SS for someone focused on strength without any other stuff going on (e.g. MMA or other sport training).

Texas Method only has one day a week that would provide a reasonable hypertrophy stimulus. OP is small for his frame.

Also TM kind of generally sucks. Total volume AND average intensity go down from your novice phase, while the volume is front-loaded onto a single day, making for poorer fatigue management. I don't see any reason to think TM would provide more total stimulus than OP actually pushing for RPE 10 rep maxes on his 5/3/1 sets.

Goddamnit i'm sick, didn't notice the necro. NyQuil naps it is.
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bench 205
squat 265
dead 335
(big 3 = 805)
st. ohp 135
6'2'' 188lbs

I really want to put on mass, not just in order to look bigger, but in order to keep progressing on my lifts. Another reason is that my squat is stalling really badly, I'd like to be doing it more than once a week. I feel like if I can eat around 4000 cals and do SS then I can put on some good size. I'd like to get my powerlifting total over 1000 over the next year as well.

I think I can put on 10-15 lbs in a month, and if only 2-3 lbs of that is muscle im fine. If I like how things are going I'll keep going, if not I'll probably go back to 531
I think 5/3/1 Boring but Big looks perfect for you. You will be putting a lot of mass while getting stronger

You need to eat and rest a lot. Otherwise it will drain you.

its weird that this thread is getting bumped

i actually am doing stsrting strength right now, until i can make the habit of going regularly indont want to attempt a 4 day routine