GLOW becoming series on Netflix

I finished it the other night. The first episode was so apart from the other 9, it's really weird. Did they overhaul the writing after that, I wonder?

I enjoyed it, overall. Didn't realise til after I looked it up that, holy shit that was Carlito playing Machu Pichu's other brother that wasn't Brodus Clay? He looks unrecognisable from his WWE days.

This popped up on the front page of Youtube for me:

For 1985, this isn't half bad. Not great by any means, but at least the promos and stuff feel kinda real in places.

Royal Hawaiian would get it.

Americana is a bitch.
I loved it. I'm hoping that there's more episodes in season 2 as well as having them about an hour long like other shows. They can definitely flesh out some of the characters that they have as well as introduce new ones.

The show happens to have a cast made up almost entirely of females so of course dudes are gonna jump on the "hurr durr feminism" bandwagon.
Thought it was great.

The Sam Sylvia character cracks me the fuck up. Hoping Liberty Bell never gives Zoya the forgiveness Zoya desperately wants because fuck that shit.

I'd be okay if the wolf chick wasn't even on the show, the character sucks as it is right now.

Kong as The Welfare Queen was awesome.

Holy shit, I read she was in the show but didn't realize that was her the whole time. She's not too shabby at this acting thing.. good for her.
I went in expecting it to be over the top mockery and came away impressed.
I just binge wached this between last night and today and I really enjoyed it.
Don't see it happening,but we need a script where Betty Gilpin/Debbie Eagan sets them free,there is an elite level rack hiding behind that spandex