Gal Gadot reprimanded by the disabled over kind words for Stephen Hawking

Hate modern journalism.

"People with disabilities and their advocates took offense at"
"A small of people with disabilities and their advocates took offense at"
I'm not sure anyone's doing that.

You sure about that because i used my eyes

Is anyone using the term "baldist" yet?

Deaf culture? One of the dumbest things I've heard in my life. lol

I subscribe to an academic e-mail list that puts out calls for papers for conferences, journal
issues, edited anthologies, etc. I got one the other day for some conference and the CFP mentioned the problem of "ableism." The only thing that shocks me these days with shit like that is that there's still shit that can shock me. I don't even know how to respond to crazy shit like that.

In a world where bullitt can't imagine a "have/have nots" power dynamic involving disability where someone got absolutely shit on

It's kinda like 'cis gendered' they have to come up with novel new ways of saying 'normal' in such a way where it somehow can sound disparaging

gender politics with extra levels of distinction are disparaging when i choose to view them that way so fuck em who needs em
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What's next? A sports commentator says to an athlete "good luck out there today" and gets admonished for trying to suggest the athlete hasn't worked hard enough and is relying on luck?

Tbh, this isn't too far off...

Recreational outrage has gotten out of control
Woke up this morning and saw this on my news feed. Proof that people really will eagerly seek out every reason to complain.

And I'll just end with these paragraphs from the same article:

Is it wrong that I sat here dumbstruck by the fact that someone used the phrase "Able Normative Supremacy" in an un-ironic way?

Maybe freedom of speech wasn’t such a good idea after all
People are so fucking retarded
She shouldve been more straight to the point

"RIP little gimpy white science guy" has a better ring to it.
Ableist?!?! And able normative supremacy?!?!

What in the fuck!?!

@nac386 , this is almost as absurd as the "womxn" shit I was telling you about .

As somebody who identifies as ablxd, or ablyd, I feel that I am especially considerate of the extra-abled and acutely aware of the hurtful ableist mindset of the lesser enlightened.
Gal Gadot is a dumb, overrated, plastic surgery bitch, and she's wrong in that Tweet;

Stephen Hawking was a fucking dork that prolly was never even able to catch a ball as a youth - he belonged in that fucking wheelchair.

He was everyone's favourite cripple, and all that time doing pesky normal people things, like walking and fucking and shit, he spent on thinking about abstract nonsense that blew geeks minds.

Best thing that coulda happened to him imo
ableist? didnt even know such a word existed. what the fuck is wrong with people?
Abelist Gadot needs some powerful up-the-butt treatment. Only then will she see the error of her ways(she did nothing wrong) but a cock in the anus is the only way she can redeem herself, and therefore she is required to straddle my face until further notice.

I literally died laughing, thank you
I literally died laughing, thank you
I do write some seriously stupid stuff when i'm drunk. Not much better when i'm sober tbf.

This amused me as well because i had no recollection of having posted that until you liked and quoted it lol

Now i need to delete the really bad stuff...
She's had work on her face.

She's not a true natural beauty.

Sorry to shatter your dreams kiddo

Omg no, will life ever be the same again?
Disabilities and disease are not to be celebrated or appreciated. The people who have them are to be treated with kindness and respect.. But it should be our goal to eradicate disease. Lately people want to celebrate down syndrome and crap. It's more backwardness. We are thinking backwards on too many issues.

What she said was fine.. and so is she.
Woke up this morning and saw this on my news feed. Proof that people really will eagerly seek out every reason to complain.

And I'll just end with these paragraphs from the same article:

Is it wrong that I sat here dumbstruck by the fact that someone used the phrase "Able Normative Supremacy" in an un-ironic way?


i can play the outrage game too ;)