Floyd Mayweather is at it again

That’s exactly what it is. An opinion. It will only ever be an opinion. There is no way to make it a fact. That’s not how facts and opinions work. And crying? Not sure how me having a different opinion than you constitutes crying.

Well by experts hes top 5 so take your non knowing boxing ass somewhere before i school the fuck out of you
when they fight mma i hope they have a "gentlemans agreement"

So you’re a big fan of Floyd’s? Says it all pretty much. Someone who can look at it more objectively would see how ludicrous it was for Floyd to set that record against a non-boxer. C’mon man. A NON-boxer!
Hell, let’s not even talk about undefeated records and just focus on the legacy of a great boxer. It looks bad to anyone who respects the great sport of boxing for one of its all time greats to go out there and slap a guy around for 100’s of millions when said slapee shouldn’t even be in the ring.

I’m not sure what I’m defending Floyd about? The conor fight was a farce with no implications of who the better boxer is. We all knew that.
It was a fight made because people wanted to watch.
It should have been an exhibition. It wasn’t. And it does nothing for Floyd’s boxing career.
It gave him 50. And it was the biggest money making fight of all time.

I said if Floyd whatever number of wins Floyd had say it was 45 or 46. His legacy was cemented for many years. The fight with conor and having 50 wins doesn’t make his career any better. It was always fantastic
You guys have to be borderline retarded to say if Floyd fights in mma and loses his legacy is tarnished.
Wtf guys.