First BJJ tournament

A compilation of advices:

Try something you have never practiced before. This is a strategy that the top eschelon fighters do. They see something on TV and try it out the day they are fighting. Don't go with the basics. Don't stick with what you know. Go ahead and try out the new **** in competition - because if it works there then you know you got it down and dont have to practice it ever, make sense?

Try to keep this tip on the downlow. If people start watching a buncha videos and stuff they may suddenly get real good. Then I would have to watch even MORE videos than them to get better. Its a viscious cycle I don't want to get involved in.

You can improve your cardio by watching UFC's 1-3 in sequence. Once done, go to the bathroom and do about 30 seconds of shadow boxing in the mirror while listening to 'eye of the tiger'.

Now go back and watch 'Choke' with Rickson Gracie.

30 more seconds of shadow boxing in the mirror.

And to fully prepare you will need to down a 2 liter of Coca Cola (energy), and a bag of greasy potatoe chips (carbs) while watching VisionQuest at around 11pm the night before the competition. This will ensure you get optimal rest.

Oh you were looking for real advice?

I have done many BJJ competitions. The only thing I say that matters is conditioning. If you aren't in top shape, don't bother going. Or accept your fate as one of those early round speedbumps for the guys who are in shape.

Honestly, in the weeks before competition you aren't going to learn that 'tournament winning move'. Everything you do that is natural and instinctive is what you are going to do in competition. Whats more, your opponent is going to know pretty much the same stuff.

So it comes down to who wants it more. The guy who wants it more prepared more. He trained harder. He will be able to give 100% every round until he gets to the finals.

In the finals more often than not it is not determined so much on skill, but on condition. The guy who can recover faster has a HUGE advantage.

You might be a bad ass in the gym, but things are different in competition. You might be the technical master who taps everyone - but you will find that hard to do when you are completely exhausted from your first two matches - you can barely close your hands from your forearms being so pumped - you can't get a full breath of air - you feel sorta dizzy and dehydrated. Like I was saying earlier - if you are in awesome physical shape you have a much better chance of winning.

The mental preparation is a mindfuck. I have heard every sorta mystical voodoo mumbo jumbo as to how to prepare. Visualization. Positive thinking. Meditation. Etc.

Pffft. Let me tell you - nothing takes the place of experience. Knowing the routine, and accepting the anxiety as part of the competition takes a lot of stress off.

Ohhhh...but isn't there some magical excersize I can do, maybe some breathing or something that will remove the adreneline, fear, anxiety, sleepless night, and rush of panic?

No. There isn't. Just fuckin deal with it. It gets much easier with time. It is very comforting to say to yourself, blah - this is my 23rd BJJ tournament. Its just like all the others. Weigh in was a joke. It isnt going to start on time. Listen for my division, go find some friends and chill out cuz its gonna be a long day. etc etc.

What am I saying? Don't worry about whether you are doing the 'right' routine with weights, running, and BJJ. Concentrate on being in AWESOME physical shape. Dial in YOUR moves, don't try to learn everything in hopes of catching someone with some crazy submission. And just accept the fact that fear and anxiety are part of competition. There you go. Simplified~

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