Feeling homicidal while being stuck in traffic?


Black Belt
Dec 30, 2014
Reaction score
I really do get the urge to murder during rush hour. None of me pals admit it, but I cant be the only one that feels like pulling out an AK during rush hour traffic?



I feel you, but you sound a bad day away from being Michael Douglas in Falling Down. Reel that shit in, my dude. Try Bach air on the G string
and some breathing exercises. Or find an outlet in your off time so you're not ready to lose it when the traffic jams hit you.
Leave sooner and get an audiobook. Rush hour is relaxing if you learn how to chill.
I found a video of ts driving
I thought everyone feels homicidal all the time. Then my psychiatrist told me that's not normal.

True story.
Yes, its why i work nights now. Plus vrooming it home at 4 or 5 am with highways still empty is quite fun and fast.
I'm only angry in the car when a corolla is in my vicinity. Worst drivers on earth.
Used to do a 70 mile commute one way

Never again
I use to feel that way when I lived in silicon valley and had to deal with brutal commutes.

There are too many maniacs on the road. I try to stay calm. Traffic is usually out of my control anyway. I can switch lanes, but that's about it.