Fedor will win this tournament!

Mir is going to rip his arm off and shove it down his throat.
I’ll be at this fight up close and personal so I certainly hope so.

Here is to hoping TS.
1 or 2 wins, get the cro cop rematch and call it done. Dreams.
Fedor will be knocked out within 30 to 60 seconds tops. He's barely a top 100 heavyweight now.
I have a hard time believing Bader is not winning this tournament. He is basically the only fighter that isn't 60 fighting in it.
He’s still way passed his prime. He’s 34 and everybody knows your ancient and shouldn’t even be allowed in a cage due to being so washed up at 33.
TS...if fedor loss people will say he's finished since 2008, and when the goat will win the tournament people will say he only won 3 old cans that ufc refused...Haters gonna hate. <Fedor23>
With Russian referees and Russian judges I would give him 20-30% chance.