Fat Taxes: Lean Solution or Unethical Filler?

Obese and morbidly Obese individuals should definitely pay higher health insurance premiums. Have a program where if under a doctor's (loose even) supervision and they are losing weight, say a modest 20-30 pounds a year even, the premium hike goes away as long as they stay on track or get their weight down to a non penalty level
next the govt will be instituting a 'wipe tax'.
if you wipe your ass more than twice, boom.
you got taxes
Who the hell wipes less than three times?
I think I've had maybe a half dozen two-wipe shits in my life.
If a tax would change in order to improve health, I think it should be lower taxes for healthy food and vegetables. I believe in giving people a carrot rather than a whip.
I believe in giving people a carrot rather than a whip.