Donnie Yen to star in Sleeping Dogs movie

Is that right? Then here you go:


I challenge you to enjoy that piece of turd.
They should stop adapting video games into movies.

There's no way you can replicate a 20+ hour interactive experience in a two-hour linear narrative. It's bound to be a letdown, in most cases, and really just prostituting developed properties and brand names for an easy box office boost.

Only movie I can remember that did it right:


And that was because it was based on a fighting game with no cutscenes. Most of the time, and especially these days, the video game IS the movie.

MK.... and Silent Hill.

Practically every other game adaptation, has been utter shit.

Especially the sequels of MK and Silent Hill... two of the worst movies I've ever seen.
Sleeping dogs film?


I still liked the live action trailer.

They better not fuck up Jackie and the waterstreet crew