Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

Sheesh. lot of emotion in here today.
Why was the judge so afraid of what Costello might say on the stand? He is a former officer of the New York court, after all.
Earlier in the proceeding ha asked the defense attorneys, in a patronizing way, if they really thought a jury of New Yorkers couldn’t spot a liar on the stand.
He seemed really afraid of them hearing anything Costello might say. I mean, if he’s a liar then those savvy, street smart New Yorkers won’t be fooled, right?

Sorry, but this thing is a shit show. I’d be pissed if I was on the jury with a judge that was so controlling of the evidence and treating the JURY like a bunch of fucking morons. They’re the ones with the responsibility of the verdict, after all.
The second part of your post is why we need him. He says it at his rallies, they thought that as soon as they indicted him, he would say, “ok, I need to stop to tend to my family, and will be resigning from public office”. Because most politicians are not powerful.

Dude is a billionaire, had the #1 rated show, and a top 5 Twitter account at the time. His voice is too strong, and he is willing to stand up to these wolves who just want to rape our tax dollars, while funding endless wars.

And guess what, Tim Scott and Haley want endless wars and fucking away our tax dollars. Simple as that, just look at their careers, donors, stock portfolios, etc.

Trump is above all that.
He’s not above anything. He’s literally running for president to shield himself from being gangbanged by the legal system for his many crimes.

And maybe petty revenge for the above. He loves petty revenge.
He’s not above anything. He’s literally running for president to shield himself from being gangbanged by the legal system for his many crimes.

And maybe petty revenge for the above. He loves petty revenge.

Silver is outperfoming gold on every standard.

Buy precious metals!
maybe the judges daughter should recuse herself from this case.

Wait, people actually frown on parents kissing their kids on the lips ? Like actually adults are complaining ?


I peck my lil boy (3) on the lips all the time. “Daddy, kisssy !” and then he sticks out his lower lips and giggles like nuts later. I can’t say no to that.

Wtf is wrong with people ?
Good daddy kisses! Of which I'm sure he loves and feels safe and happy about. Awww.