Crime Donald Trump Hush Money Fraud Trial (5/30 Update: Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Felony Charges)

looks like team turd will not be calling any more witnesses after sideshow bob gets off the stand, and the defense will be resting their case before they even made any case. the prosecutions rebuttal will start after that and then it will go to closing arguments which will probably begin next tuesday. jury could be deliberating by the end of next week.
I say they are done by Thursday morning.
I say they are done by Thursday morning.

nahhh no way they can get the rebuttal and closing arguments done by then. the honorable justice merchan is already asking the jurors if they can come in next wednesday. there's still some shit that needs to be done and there's no way they could speed through it and have it all done and over with in just today and part of thursday.

plus we gotta wait for the orange turd's all star lawyer to do the dance and tell the judge that his client needs until sometime around november or december before he decides whether or not he wants to testify so expect that to kill a couple hours or whatever before they rest their "case".
Our once and future king fighting for us every single day!

awww look at that. diaper don is just so cute when he is vomiting out his verbal diarrhea everywhere outside of a courtroom. everybody look at me i'm just such a victim. wishhhhhhh hunt! perlitercal persercution! the derp state and the werpernized department of injustice! goo goo gaa gaa! i need my binky!

so when should we be expecting little baby boo hoo's vagina to drop and he decides to take the stand? hillary clinton once testified for 9 hours. clearly she has bigger balls than toddler trump, the election-losing fraudster and rapist who went down on the congressional record as a pussy ass bitch, who prefers to do all of his crying and toddling outside of a courtroom because he is incapable of speaking a word of truth.
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nahhh no way they can get the rebuttal and closing arguments done by then. the honorable justice merchan is already asking the jurors if they can come in next wednesday. there's still some shit that needs to be done and there's no way they could speed through it and have it all done and over with in just today and part of thursday.

plus we gotta wait for the orange turd's all star lawyer to do the dance and tell the judge that his client needs until sometime around november or december before he decides whether or not he wants to testify so expect that to kill a couple hours or whatever before they rest their "case".
No no I meant by next Thursday,
From my understanding they are not beginning closing until next Tuesday.

Wow, for some reason the judge really did not want the jury to know that Costello testified last year. And that Michael Cohen initiated communication with Costello.

Right after that, redirect had one question and all testimony had ended. Jury has a week to sit with this for some reason, as the judge is prolonging this

prosecution has no rebuttal witnesses to introduce, so its heading to closing arguments

jury is leaving, they will be back on tuesday to hear closing arguments. there's no more court until then. why do they need all this extra time? why not just get to this shit on thursday and have the jury start deliberating for the weekend? whats the holdup here?

The jury is being shown an email dated August 8, 2018.

Michael Cohen emailed Robert Costello and Jeff Citron stating, "Gentleman

Please cease contacting me as you do not and have never represented me in this or any other matter.

Your interest and offers to become part of the team and to serve as a contact was subject to existing counsel, Guy Petrillo (cc’d) approval, which was denied."

to borrow some lines off the rapey orange toddler while his staffers were busy getting hauled off to jail over that russiagate shit, as far as michael cohen is concerned, "i never liked the guy anyways. "he never worked for me." "i barely ever talked to him."
Wow, for some reason the judge really did not want the jury to know that Costello testified last year. And that Michael Cohen initiated communication with Costello.

Right after that, redirect had one question and all testimony had ended. Jury has a week to sit with this for some reason, as the judge is prolonging this

I was really hoping that Dementia Don was going to take the stand and straighten everything out.

But it looks like he froze up again…
Home boy is always scared to tell the truth.

now we get to watch him do his toddling for the tv cameras outside of the courtroom and tell us that the judge would not allow him to testify.

he'd be an absolute fucking idiot to take the stand but he wanted to act all macho and told us that he was going to testify.
That was a brutal ending for the defense..

but sideshow bob talked a big game outside of the courtroom! shame that their star witness turned out to be nothing more than just a wet fart. the pathetic performance he put on just to impress little trumpy wumpy just washed away everything the defense was trying to do with michael cohen.

when you call forward one witness to your defense and the jurors are literally sitting there laughing at your witness and rubbing their eyes after your attorney and your witness had them bored to death from hours of meaningless and irrelevant bootlicking, and that's all you're going to put forward as your defense, then have fun buddy. you're fair dinkum fucked. thoughts and prayers!

you know, i'd be willing to bet that trump's lawyers didn't even want sideshow bob to come in and testify but trump insisted that they call him up, after being impressed by that theatrical performance he put on in front of gym jordan and friends the other week that had the maga trash beating their little dicks off believing that they might have had something.
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Oh, he’s definitely going to be saying that.

can't say that i blame him. i mean why even take the stand if he can't talk mad shit about the jurors and the judges staffers and family members? that refutes and absolutely destroys all the testimony and evidence that was presented in this case.

i mean how can you expect to defend yourself and win your case if you can't get up there in front of a jury panel and tell them that they are all a bunch of libtards who suffer from TDS and the judges daughter is a two-bit whore who hates you more than anybody would ever know?

this shit is rigged.
can't say that i blame him. i mean why even take the stand if he can't talk mad shit about the jurors and the judges staffers and family members? that refutes and absolutely destroys all the testimony and evidence that was presented in this case.

i mean how can you expect to defend yourself and win your case if you can't get up there in front of a jury panel and tell them that they are all a bunch of libtards who suffer from TDS and the judges daughter is a two-bit whore who hates you more than anybody would ever know?

this shit is rigged.
If he is on the witness stand, how is he going to sleep? People would be asking him questions and shit.