Do you want to be the richest man in the graveyard?

Squall Leonhart

SeeD Commander
Jul 2, 2013
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Tell me which side of the fence you are on:

The 'work so hard that your entire life is stressful but you get to brag about bringing home big money when you are an old, shriveled up ballsack', or the 'feel satisfied with a job you love and be stress free?'

I'm not even 30 yet and I find satisfaction in my life all the time. That is including at my job. I'm not at management level but I'm a good employee.

I see so many fools working ridiculously hard and living miserable lives, wasting away their youth for bragging rights.

I make good money, but honestly...I'm satisfied. Life is about the journey. I don't want to look back and think to myself, "why the hell did I kill myself all those years and not smell the roses?"

In b4 "satisfaction is the death knell to creativity" etc.
In b4 "I'm satisfied but still ascending the ladder"


I wouldn't mind tbh. As long as it means I was rich as fire during life!
Some people love working there lives away. I’m not one of them though, but every good paying job I’ve come across had crazy hours.
lot of good it'll do ya

Are you essentially saying that you'd rather have a not too full bank account rather than a ridiculously overfull one? Issues of wealth inequality aside, it seems like having more is better than having less... We all get the trite point of "it won't help you when you're dead!" but it certainly will do you some good when you're alive.
I want to be the poorest guy in the graveyard, with the biggest casket, and buried sideways, taking up 3 plots. Right in the Penske plot area.
I would say just give some serious thought to what you want to leave behind when it's all over. There's something to be said for leaving wealth to your loved ones (or the world), but there are other gifts to leave behind, be it memories or artistic creations or protecting them from threats other than poverty.

But if you're accumulating wealth obsessively just to "win at the game" then you'll get what you're after. You'll win at the game of accumulating wealth, but the meaning you have ascribed to your own life will end once you're unable to spend or possess it.
Are you essentially saying that you'd rather have a not too full bank account rather than a ridiculously overfull one? Issues of wealth inequality aside, it seems like having more is better than having less... We all get the trite point of "it won't help you when you're dead!" but it certainly will do you some good when you're alive.

You miss the point. The point is, working your ass off, high stress, wasting time slaving, etc. ruin the journey. If you can find a medium where you make good money but aren't killing yourself with stress and wasting crazy amounts of time, you are smart.
I have a buddy who recently turned into a career-centric competitive asshole in the rat race for promotions, but no longer communicating with anyone and just trying to accumulate wealth.
A wise man once said "He who dies with the most toys, still dies."
Right now I'd like to just have a steady, decent paying job. I've dug myself into a massive hole with my indecision in school and unwillingness to keep a shitty job.

I'm in a tough spot. Not where I pictured myself at 23.
To each his (or her) own. I would not invalidate anyone's personal choice of how to conduct their lives based on my personal standards.
if you're accumulating wealth obsessively just to "win at the game" then you'll get what you're after. You'll win at the game of accumulating wealth, but the meaning you have ascribed to your own life will end once you're unable to spend or possess it.

I want all the money is the world, ts.

I hope this post washes out the sanctimonious teenage angst you're going through.