Do you like cilantro?

Wet Blanket

Bipartisan GIF Machine
Nov 9, 2017
Reaction score

Lots of people hate it, but I freakinh love it.

Do you love it or hate it? If you hate it, do you think it tastes like soap? (I've heard people say that and I don't understand where that comes from.)

Lots of people hate it, but I freakinh love it.

Do you love it or hate it? If you hate it, do you think it tastes like soap? (I've heard people say that and I don't understand where that comes from.)
it’s just one of those weird Mendelian trait dealings from what I understand. One allele makes it taste like freshness embodied to some and soap to others. I love it personally.
when i first tried it it tasted sort of like soap to me. Personally if it's in Asian cuisine i don't really like it but if it's in Mexican cusine i love it. No idea why.
You can add it to almost anything and it will make it taste better. Love it.
I don't mind it if it's just used to add flavor to a sauce or something, but I hate getting food that had a bunch of it cut up in it.
You can't have a taco without Cilantro on it. Cilantro is the best.<JonesDXSuckIt>
It’s an acquired taste for me. I used to hate it. Now it’s pretty good.
El pero, El pero, Es me corazon
El gato, el gato, el gato no es bueno

Great song
Pico de gallo - yes
Taco's - yes
Pho - Yes
Everything else - no
Not a big fan. Over powers too many foods imo. OK in small doses only.
I vehemently disliked it for the longest. It has a flavor that could only be compared to cilantro, and it was too jarring. Then I moved to California and it was in everything. I got used to it.