Do you feel weird about adults who are dependant on their parents?

if the person is working/going to school and trying to advance their life: no, nobody should have a problem w/ that unless they are like dating said person

But if someone stays at home, only to chill all day and do nothing productive? Hard to get behind that IMO
Depends on the situation. I think it's beneficial to leave at some point. I left when I was 22 I am 34 now living in a different country.
But I think I will move back to Germany in the next five years and move in with my parents. Or moving in with my family.
My parents got a big house and garden they don't really need such a big house for themselves anymore and would sell it if I don't want it.
So the plan is my parents move into a downstairs apartment, and I will take the rest of the house.

I can understand not doing if you have a lousy relationship. But I get along with my parents very well.
Even if I wouldn't live with them chances are we would see each other almost every day anyway (depending on distance).
So yeah depends on the situation but I don't think there is anything wrong with it in general.
Moved out at 18 and never went back. I couldnt fathom living with my parents at my age (34)
It's only unusual for the people from the Anglo background (North Americans, Britain and Australia).

Pretty normal for the rest of the world, people don't mind because they have strong traditional family values rooted in their culture unlike the Anglos.
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Left at 18-19. Was nervous about being on my own but really had no choice. Life was hell at home. Remember my first night after moving in, just laid down on my bed and just turned on the TV. Laid there peacefully without anyone yelling or fucking with me, was right then and there I realized I could never go back home. What other people do is none of my business, but my kids will have to move out when they hit 18ish. It's not hard taking care of yourself, just be responsible with your money and live below your means and you'll be alright. The most I'll do is help them get a rental property if they want to go that route.
I live in the same house as my mother. But the bottom half of the house is an apartment so I have my own space. I pay her rent for it and help with bills and take care of anything I need for myself of course. Idk, I have nothing against people living with their parents but I think it’s shitty if you don’t help out and leave all the responsibility on them. I mean, can you imagine being an adult having to look after another grown adult while you’re having to bust your ass and they don’t help out with shit? Would be rustled.
Yup. If you're an adult and not handicapped, you better be working.
i moved back home after university for a few years and i absolutely hated it. i went from operating on my own schedule to living in a controlled environment, i paid rent to help out but it was kind of bullshit.

i officially moved out on my own at 28 and haven't looked back. i get it though. cost of living is really high and job market is competitive. living at home is a safe haven for most but imo, i think that it will only stunt your growth long term as a normal functioning adult if you still rely on your parents for meals and laundry.

I was at my parent's house until I was 24. I was always working and my parents were cool, I had an own separate studio so it wasn't bad but I wasn't taking advantage of it like I should have savings wise.

I got a DUI and at my lowest point financially and mentally, I moved out within 3 days of that happening. It was a struggle but I could no longer stay there, just working then partying on the weekends, I couldn't take it. From that time on, I paid off a ton a debt from DUI and other credit cards from trying to make it. I've been completely debt free for a while now, got a great gig in the electrical union that I'm almost done with my apprenticeship and have been stacking a bunch of money.

Moving out at that time taught me a bunch of responsibility and how I needed to manage my finances even if it was hard at first.

And as of now, I'm living with a friend and my girlfriend lives with some random friends. But I'm also open to moving into my parent's with my girlfriend so we can stack a bunch of money for 6 months to a year before moving into our own place together. But this time, I would be know to take complete advantage of it this time around if I do.
I love my parents but I can only really take them in 3-4 hour visits at a time. I couldn't imagine living with them again.
It's only unusual for the people from the Anglo background (North Americans, Britain and Australia).

Pretty normal for the rest of the world, people don't mind because they have strong traditional family values rooted in their culture unlike the Anglos.

And look how shitty a lot of those countries are, but hey, strong families values right?
I feel more awkward about parents that allow it. My coworker has her 37 year old son living with her. He got a divorce like 7 years ago and is still there. The really odd part is that she's always worrying about what to make him for dinner. So she works all day, he's already home from work, and she is the one making dinner while he lives rent free? It's cringeworthy.

Moms love their kids unconditionally. No other person will love you more than your mother. My mom was literally dying of cancer and she was absolutely ecstatic when she was "helping" me over the phone to look for a cassette tape that I needed at her house she had abandoned due to her illness. They will always want to be relevant to their children's lives, no matter how old they are. Just thinking about this hurts so fucking much.
Your a fucking loser if you live at home past 30 years old in America. The only exception would be if your parents are really sick, or your disabled (like can't walk). Seriously be a fucking man and take some responsibility you losers.
I couldn’t give a fuck about other people or what they do. Everybody has their own life. Mind your business schoolgirl.
I partied a lot during my teen years and got the boot from my mom's house once I turned 18... spent the next couple years fucked up and couch surfing. It wasn't until I moved back in with my dad at age 20 that I started to get my shit together... lived there until I was 25. At the time I was dying to get out on my own, but now at age 34 with a family and a home, I have no regrets. I saved a lot of money during those years and it helped lay the foundation for the life I have now. As long as the individual is comfortable with it or has a long term plan it's fine...I do have a few friends that are still at home who don't have a plan or much going on and I know it's depressing as hell for them.
Lol - I bet that makes it tough to pretend to be a lawyer on karate forums.

Gee.. It has nothing to do with the fact I was in law school and couldn't work full time.

Your disbelief of a normal accomplishment says something about YOU. You can guess what that is.
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Gee.. It has nothing to do with the fact I was in law school and couldn't work full time.

You disbelief of a normal accomplishment says something about YOU. You can guess what that is.
LOL! Get a grip.
This should be a poll.

Do you rather leave house at 18 and be on your full of debt or stay with mommy until 30 or so, save enough money to buy your own house before moving out?

The former is cool but once you hit 30 and you realized you accomplished nothing in life and most likely nothing else for the next 10 years because you don't any savings. I rather stick with my family for a few more years to get ahead in life. I can be just as independent but with much more money and my own house.
F that. There are reasons that if you live with your parents, it's more than fine. If you care for them. If you have a disability. If it's really short-term but on the whole, when I hear someone lives with their parents, I feel pity.

Especially the ones who buy brand new cars, go on expensive holidays, constantly go out and waste money. It makes me laugh they think they are independent. Lived with my parents until 18. Moved out. Relationship didnt work so moved back in. Within maybe 6 months I found someone else [current girlfriend] and still happy, being independent, living my life.

I pity most people who are aged 20 or older and live with their parents, it's sad.
i have mixed feelings on this one.

I’m 28 now.

I left Home at 19 which i felt was an appropriate age. I needed my own space. I needed to be able to sleep with women and not sneak them up to my room with my mom and dad sleeping 10 feet away. I didn’t have an amazing relationship with my parents then but we have a great relationship since I left, ironically.

I did my undergrad and finished, i bought my first Condo a few years ago and im saving up for a real house now. I have a pretty awesome job but I’m always looking to do more.

To be honest those first few years in a bachelor apartment, drinking beers with my friends and popping Molly’s and hooking up with girls are the fondest memories of my life.

I would have had an easier time going to grad school or law school if I lived at home and just let my parents look after me, but I don’t think that’s ideal for personal growth. A lot of my coworkers are in their early 30s and still live with mom and dad and borrow their car.

Ironically I would want my own kid to stay at home and get all the help he needs to get ahead, but at the same time I don’t want to take away his fun and experience of independence.

There was a tv show about this Indian girl in Toronto who lived with her parents until her 30s and saved up 120 grand for a cash down payment. It’s a funny trade off. You can get further in life taking help from family i would say, but freedom has value of its own.
Its common knowledge indians cant do shit without their parents or extended family members holding their hand until they get a arranged marriage..