Do you feel like you believe strongly in nothing?


Jul 23, 2017
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When I was a kid my family used to go to Catholic Church but we stopped going when I was about 12. My dad never really believed in it. He believes in God like me and we pray but don’t really support a church.

I don’t feel any overarching patriotism towards my country. I’m grateful that I live in a wonderful western country with opportunities but that’s about it.

I don’t really have any political affiliation. I think there’s idiots on both sides. I think people out there screaming black lives matter or people marching with white supremacists are all equally retarded.

I’m mostly just trying to make my family as successful and comfortable as possible and banging as many hot chicks as I can on the way while I stay in shape. Anyone in the same boat?
I was probably like that at one point in my life. Especially during my early professional single years in my mid 20s. I personally think it can sometimes be due to the experiences/situations you encounter in life. Some will just go by life coasting. Others have unfortuantely experiences, pain, suffering and rise above it that build their character and may or may bring more meaning to their life. Maybe even a calling to some. Often times it comes down to giving and helping others or a cause. Often times it can be religion too. IMO as long as you're doing ok and don't harm others do whatever you want. Not everyone has to have a huge purpose in life, but it's always good to treat others kindly and it never hurts to put a smile on someones face.