Do you eat PINEAPPLES on Pizza?


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I hate it on a pizza, but I dont mind pineapple juice to wash down the pizza.
I fucking love it in fact it’s my favorite
Pineapple + bacon + hot sauce + fresh basil win
of course people will eat weird shit on their pizza... there are people out in this world fucking dudes in the butt and licking it off. people do weird shit
Pineapple shouldn’t be warmed up.
Fucking heathens.
I think pineapples on pizza is fucking delicious

A nice quality pizza, crispy bacon with cheese and pineapples... aka the Hawaiian

Apparently some people hate it, think it's gross .etc...

I think pineapples are delicious and go well with other toppings (particularly a Hawaiian pizza)

What about you?


I never really cared for pineapples, and I think they especially taste like shit on pizza.
I've had it. I didn't hate it but I never order it because I'd rather have other stuff.

Pepperoni, mushrooms, bell peppers and onions is the way to go.
of course people will eat weird shit on their pizza... there are people out in this world fucking dudes in the butt and licking it off. people do weird shit
Bro you need to chill with anal analogies
Depends what kind of pizza. Doesnt work on New York style.
I pick the pineapple off and fling them at the person who had the audacity to approve of such a monstrosity in the first place.

Okay. I only did it once, but it should be done more often.
There should be a “fuck no” option in the poll, terrible implies that you eat that shit just don’t like it
I will get a Hawaiian pizza once in a blue moon. Usually while extremely drunk and/or high. I don't know that vegan pizza counts as real pizza so I think I deserve a pass on this one.