Dislocated finger grappling. Recovery?

Fla graplr

Blue Belt
Oct 24, 2014
Reaction score
About a month ago my middle finger popped out pretty badly. I popped it back in and now a month later it is still swollen and painful after a long shift at work or during/ after training. After a Google search, I've come to believe 4 to 6 weeks for recovery.

I have heard this is kind of common in the grappling community so I wanted some opinions on how you have recovered. I have iced and taped to pointer finger during training. But obviously the bumps and pulls on it have kept it inflamed.

What should I Do? Go pay for xray?
I've had innumerable finger sprains that resolved themselves with buddy taping. I've never dislocated a finger, but I did dislocate my big toe. I had to go to the ER to have that one reset and it bothered me for about 18 months afterwards. You just have to stop pissing it off until it heals.
I have dislocated three fingers doing BJJ. It took anywhere from about 4-8 weeks for them to get back to 90%. Unfortunately all three of them never seemed to get back to 100% in terms of range of motion and strength. I probably should have done some rehab but I just buddy taped them and kept rolling.
I've broke the top tendon in some flying armbar attempt on tournament lol It healed after 2 months with some splint on it but it's still bent a bit. NO help there :)
BTW finger can hurt a lot. Toe hurt me for like 2-3 months..
I have full range of motion and it's straight. Also icing a finger hurts worse than any thing else I have ever had
Happened to my ring finger took about three months to get better as it felt fine after a couple weeks and I would reinjure it swelling would come back and prolong the healing.
if you go real easy on it you could probably heal in 5 weeks.

The most important part is after you heal start digging in rice or sand and get that tendon strong again or else you could run into the same issue again.
About a month ago my middle finger popped out pretty badly. I popped it back in and now a month later it is still swollen and painful after a long shift at work or during/ after training. After a Google search, I've come to believe 4 to 6 weeks for recovery.

I have heard this is kind of common in the grappling community so I wanted some opinions on how you have recovered. I have iced and taped to pointer finger during training. But obviously the bumps and pulls on it have kept it inflamed.

What should I Do? Go pay for xray?
I treat bullshit injuries like that how Travis Stevens does.

Dude its a finger, put some tape on it and keep rolling.
Dislocated my thumbs multiple times rolling with a guy who insisted on wearing a sleeveless shirt that would always tangle up in my fingers. took a month or two to really feel good and bout 6 months to 100%. I never stopped training, I just focused on keeping my fingers all closed
I do love the " don't be a pussy" answers. Don't get me wrong. I am still lifting and training hard and actually at the time it happened popped it back in place and finished the match without an issue.

I asked the question in hopes of small advice or seeing if the thing could get worse. I work with my hands and progressively worse injury could cost me money and work. Only reason
I dislocated my midlle finger 7 month ago, keep training with a good tape, still need to tape it now, still swollen. I would say finger is back at 80/90% but seems ready to pop out quite easily now..
From what the doc said, it seems that when dislocating a finger, there are some good chances to have some bones fragments in the cartilage afterwards, which is the reason the finger remain a bit swollen.

I skiped the appointment with the finger surgeon which was maybe not the brightest idea..
I do love the " don't be a pussy" answers. Don't get me wrong. I am still lifting and training hard and actually at the time it happened popped it back in place and finished the match without an issue.

I asked the question in hopes of small advice or seeing if the thing could get worse. I work with my hands and progressively worse injury could cost me money and work. Only reason

So having your livelyhood messed up because of a hobby is no good. I understand that a man needs to eat and at least provide for himself. If that’s the case you need to recover properly.

Seriously, if you don’t then maybe you can’t work anymore. You don’t want that. So go to the doc get X-rays and heal your finger. The rest of us guys can break a finger and just move on with it, because we don’t count on our fingers like you do.

Rest, Ice, compression. Take care of yourself first. The mats will always be there.