Daniel Cormier on Jon Jones’ polygraph: ‘Ted Bundy passed a polygraph test’

the guy from married with children?
I have wondered if you gave yourself two control questions one with a true answer of yes and one with a true answer of no if you could then ask yourself the control questions to give the yes or no anwer to the tester. So if someone asks you if you did x and the anwer is yes but you want to lie you would ask yourself the control question for no and answer that rather than the actual question being asked.
DC is right - all this proves is that Jones could be an excellent liar. All sociopaths are brilliant liars in that are able to stay completely composed and cool when lying to the point where they almost convince themselves they are telling the truth and there is nothing to worry/stress about. Several serial killers, not just Bundy, have been able to fool a lie-detector.
Test is worthless.

Polygraphs work by testing for nervousness/anxiety in the subject. In this case Jones ordered the test himself and knew that if he failed nobody would know he even took the test--so he had no reason to be nervous.

If Jones wanted this test to be of significance, he would have announced to the world that he was taking it beforehand; that way a failure would have consequences and hence the test would be expected to reveal anxiety about lying.

The fact that he only publicized the test AFTER the results were in, tells me that he was most likely lying.
Sociopaths can pass polygraphs. They just clench their corn holes and put their focus there and keep their heart rate still.

Would you trust your grandma with $10,000 cash in her purse beside Jon Jones?

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