Dagestan looks Amazing

Every country has its shitholes the US is full of rundown 3rd world looking areas

A veritable fuckin paradise.


America is much nicer.

Your criteria was terrorists. I showed you terrorists in America. Now you changed your criteria. That’s genius stuff right here.

I didn't change the criteria once you lying fuck. How desperate are you!? <Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo><Lmaoo>

I posted a link to an article that described how DANGEROUS and POOR that part of Russia is. It is considered the most dangerous, and poor region in the entire fucking country. Mostly due to it being an Islamic state and constant ISIS territory battles.

Try reading it next time genius!

And you didn’t even know there were ISIS in America, did you? These kinds of news don’t reach your Alabama trailer park guetto. And you’ve never traveled out of there, so what the fuck do you know about anything?

Oh Lordy... <45>
Well shit, looks like all they have to do there is fight and run up mountains. No wonder Khabib is so good. Sooner or later, all UFC champs will probably be from Dagestan.
Every country has its shitholes the US is full of rundown 3rd world looking areas

Exactly. We got dumbasses here (@Mookie )calling every place not Murica a shithole while typing from their poverty stricken trailer park somewhere in Shithole, USA.

It’s hilarious.
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I don’t think people are rating the actual land when they determine if a place is a shithole.
I'm still trying to find all the brush piles on lake I fish at all the time. Been 20 years. ;) Then there are 40 other lakes in my state. It'll be awhile before I get around to Dagestan

Actually between fishing hunting and golfing I don't vacation much at all. An occasional cruise with the wifey but I prefer she take her sister. In other-words a place is what you make it.
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Well that’s not hard to believe, since a single 7/11 gas station in Orlando FL gets more foreign visitors than the entire country of Dagestan.

More tourists get murder, robbed and mugged in the USA then they do in Dagestan.
You should visit TS.

Report back.

Im super confused about how Putin just always stays in power in Russia.
Romania is the biggest shithole in Europe just so you know.
It sure isnt as beautifull as those gems here.

Skid Row is a fucking STREET, bro.
Detroit has a population of less than 700k.
The USA has a population of 325 million.

I see you got the Likes that you wanted but please do try to have better comparisons next time.
I'm sure parts of it do. I think I'll stay out of muslim land. I'm not muslim so the "peaceful" part of their religion doesn't apply to me. Just like the "tolerant" left is only tolerant if you agree with them. Liberals and muslims have a lot in common, actually.
Wow, you're one angry conservative. I am going to give you a dose of reality here. An overtly liberal person insisting conservatives are idiots SOUNDS THE SAME AS an overtly conservative person insisting liberals are idiots. It sounds whiny and unconvincing -- especially to the many non-US Sherdoggers who laugh at both sides of the aisle in the US.