Conor: The Notorious and The Godfather. Kiss on the cheek you’re dead.

Kiss of Death (bacia della morte)
The exact origin is unknown, but an Italian source identifies the bacio della morte as the kiss given to the assassin delegated to "execute" a death sentence, as if to seal the solemn judgment and to wish success on the assignment. Some believe it refers to the kiss of Judas which was given to Jesus to betray him to the soldiers seeking him out. It’s use goes back to at least the early 19th century in Sicily.

It also says:

"The kiss of death is the sign given by a mafioso boss or capo that signifies that a member of the crime family has been marked for death, usually as a result of some perceived betrayal."


Perhaps Kavanagh kissed Conor to let him know he's about to die and Conor wants to let everyone know on instagram. Hard to say.

Conor cucks want a kiss on the lips with some tongue
Why is Conor looking like the fight is at FW?

Khabib is 200 pounds.