Complicated Situation with BFF

Long story short:

It’s about my best friend.
When we met years ago, we immediately hit it off. Chilling, talking, helping each other. He was closer to me than my family, and we both helped each other out of some hard situations. We had each other’s back and never had problems of any sort. #nohomo
About two years ago, he started his own business, while I moved abroad for about a year. When I came back, he started asking for help. Everything was the same, except he needed sums in the neighborhood of 500 bucks every few weeks as he was planning ‘business trips’ or needed help for his enterprise. I thought “fuck the money, my homie needs help”.
When all was said and done, I’d given him over 2000 bucks, with the promise of him returning it about 6 mths later. When the time came, I politely asked for it, he explained he couldn’t return it. I said “ok, hopefully you can soon”.
Later he said his laptop was broken, so he temporarily needed one. I gave him mine, a 2500 dollar beast of a laptop. He disappeared a day before he was due to return it, said police had confiscated it and a bunch of other shit because he was ‘wrongfully accused’ of some shit (which I actually believe him about), so he went to another town to work off his court-assigned ‘community service’.
Now he’s back.
So far he owes me 4500 dollars at least.
My other closest friend also gave him another 5000, being equally naive.
Now this asshole is avoiding and hiding from both of us...

I found out from an acquaintance where he lives. I’m gonna go there tomorrow. What should I do...?
I promised I wouldn’t beat him, even though physically crippling this rat would satisfy me greatly... what else is there to do though?
I’m not getting my money, neither is my other friend... we’re both leaving the country for upwards of 5 years this December...

Idk, just felt like sharing. I am disappointed. I always believed in friendship, brotherhood, loyalty, trust, honesty, honor, etc etc etc...
I thought for the longest time this man had these qualities, and he did... what happened...?


-BFF in question was a great friend. Loyal and helpful to the end.
-Said BFF started asking for money, gave him money and items worth ~5000$. He was due to return them 6 months ago. He didn’t.
-Now he’s hiding from me and another guy he owes money to. I found out where. What are my options aside from beating the shit out of him? What would you do? How would you feel?

Your friend's addicted to crack.
Or some hard shit.

To test this theory, offer him 20$ for a blowjob.
If he agrees then, to test which drugs he's on, offer him 10$ for the tv.
If he insists on the 20 bucks for a blowjob deal, then it's probably heroin he's addicted to.

If you see smoke riding off your D when he's blowing you, it's probably meth.
kidnap his grandma

hold her hostage until he pays up

send back a finger for each week that passes with out pay
Only give something to people if you are prepared to never see it again.
ting tong farang 555! what's the use of all this muay thai, if you allow ppl to fuc with you?

guy is obviously no friend but a leech...woop the katoeys ass!
Your a man and you refer to another man as a BFF?

Come on TS level with us, you know what his dick tastes like dont you.
I only read the cliffs,but if he's too much of a chicken shit to even face you and tell he fucked you for dope money(or whatever he did with your shit), then I'd advise just writing him off and not looking back.
Lol I can't even imagine a friend of mine asking to borrow money, especially on several occasions.
Aaa fuck him.
I’ll go and tell his what a bitch he is. If he mouths off or pisses me off, I’ll break his face. Otherwise, I’ll just explain how I want nothing to do with him ever again, and that’ll be the end of it. Talk about life lessons.
Thanks for the replies guys!
Thousands of dollars?? Unless you're a multi-millionaire and that is nothing to you, you don't just loan someone that type of money. I've loaned people $10-20 but that is about it.

Guys that are total losers tend to be really cool guys and the best friends you can have......but don't loan them money. They have no idea of its value, and usually, they've had other people just giving them things, so they kind of expect it. That and they don't have money or make money so how are they going to repay you
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I totally expected this post to be written by a girl.
Never lend money you don't expect to get back unless you're mobbed up.
You should have asked for advice back when advice could have helped. Also, this seems more like "woman scorned" than "friend ripped me off."
Damn, TS should've joined a gang for friendshipand brotherhood instead of befriending a junkie :oops:

Purchase some Big 5 weapons and hold him hostage. Force him to watch nothing but BW and WMMA fights for days and see how that goes.

Buggering is optional (but he's probably already done that for drugs)

While he's in the throes of boredom amd confusion, dig a hole in the dessert...
Hang him out a window sug knight style