Coleman selling his Pride 2000 trophy, up for sale

Not a single bid. I knew that was false hope. Nothing more than a reality get what the market says you are worth and what you can negotiate for, not what you think you are worth. Same with your possessions. If you have no leverage and come across as desperate, you're screwed
What became of Mark Kerr if this is what Coleman is reduced too? What will become of Baroni? Maybe Coleman is just looking for college tuition for his girls, not needing it to live on?
A man with his credentials cannot get a job coaching a Wrestling team or something?

I can't really pity people who are shitty with money, its a self inflicted disease.

That being said, if he didn't piss all his money down the drain but is selling the trophy for another reason then I hope some one buys it.
so Coleman is drain to the core or what?
Pride 33

Shogun - $250,000

and shogun was smart even before he came to the ufc, he was already investing his money with apartments that he had for rent from the money that he got from pride.
Uhh that sucks man. What does a 1st place trophy mean when its in the hands of a man who didnt earn win or even remotely participate in the competition for it
Odd as this is, Bjorn Borg did this with all of his Wimbeldon trophies once. Who knows what this is all about, maybe he's financially okay, he just took a look at all that fighting took from him, left him with, and realized that was a bunch of nonsense, I'd have have been better off getting a nine to five and not blowing it all on roids, and getting rid of the trophy is a way of putting it behind him... and he's curious to see what it might sell for.
Maybe I'm just the weird one on this, but I never understood why you'd keep a trophy. Earning them was fun, but once you won it what's the point of keeping it? Just seems like it would be a constant reminder of the past that distracts you from plotting your future.
Selling the trophy and check is fine as long as he has that big ass belt.