Chad Mendes opponent found: Yaotzin Meza

I know nothing of him.

Is this a worse mismatch than McKenzie/Mendes?

After Benson Henderson beat Jim Miller, he asked the UFC to sign Meza and Gruetzmacher in his in-ring post fight interview. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Henderson personally asked Dana for this.

Oh is he one of the guys? That was when Bendo went on his knees right? Wow, great info! Looking forward to it
I know nothing of him.

Is this a worse mismatch than McKenzie/Mendes?

well atleast meza just went through a training camp with benson so he has to be in somewhat descent shape and having worked on a few things..
well atleast meza just went through a training camp with benson so he has to be in somewhat descent shape and having worked on a few things..

And there's some fights with him online if anyone is interested. He fights out of the same company that they found John Moraga at.
McKenzie and Meza. lol

Now I'm seriously expecting the UFC to give me a call and invite me to fight Mendes.
McKenzie and Meza. lol

Now I'm seriously expecting the UFC to give me a call and invite me to fight Mendes.


"Alright's Sean Shelby...."

"Fuck off Sean, I have no pro-MMA experience and I'm certainly not ready for a former title contender...."

"Do you know anyone who is?"