Can we please delete Coby spoiler threads


don't trigger me bro
it's egotistical. treat others like you want to be treated. let others enjoy their lives.

pissing in someone's cereal isn't cool. you don't get to be a dickhead and get away with it because 'nerdz'.
Anyone can be a nerd with whatever subject they pick, there are just some subjects people already label as nerdy. I did stochastics for psych, and people look at me like "Oh man, that's pretty nerdy with all those numbers and data sets," and then can turn around and tell me all the stats they have memorized for baseball teams, how much they get in fantasy points, how a players career batting average will change with each at-bat and a hundred other useless numerical data and I think, yeah, ok, I'm a nerd, gotcha. I can build someone a computer, which is basically as easy as building a lego set and they'll look at me like a freak, but then tell me all the ins and outs of the mechanical work of their car engine. So basically, I can go to a football game wearing a rainbow wig with a colored face and chest, wearing foam fingers and screaming at the top of my lungs, but if I wear an actual sword to the Ren Faire, I might as well tell you what my favorite flavor of dick is.

And these are the people who have the nerve to tell others what's acceptable? "I watch borderline retards punch each other in the face and then be total assholes in every other facet of their life, and you wanted to enjoy an action movie? NERDBASH!"