can someone explain submission-only grappling please

I guess I'm saying I want every event to be judged by Genki Sudo, where he is the emperor in the colosseum deciding who did the cooler shit, and sentencing stallers to death by lions or something.
Fuck grappling rules, this is my preferred system of global government.
In indian pehlwani wrestling the audience hands out money after the fight to the wrestlers, that would discourage stalling and make the fights more entertaining.
Sub bonus won’t make the difference... ebi has a lot of incentives, but you still see people stalling to go to OT
Yeah. I see this a lot in the EBI qualifiers. There was a purple belt in one that was really good at defense. He won in OT by winning on the ride out. He was defending the entire time, didn’t even threaten his opponents and still “won”. I enjoy watching EBI, but more and more people want to win at all cost and not win money.
In a podcast with Stephan Kesting, Rielly Bodycomb mentioned that the reason he thinks sub only is the way it is because a lack of points (for dominant positions) let's you break the bjj meta (namely: we want to simulate a fight but without hitting each other. Positions that allow you to land most dominant blows = most points).

Unless the rules change, we're going to keep seeing some odd shit occur.

That's why Quintet is a great format. Win or you're DQ. Draw and you're both DQed.